Want to Become a Christian Counselor: Where is Our Vocation?

Christian Counseling: Daily Life is Where We Will Find Our Vocation

So much time is spent in Christian Counseling hoping to discern a vocation.  Should I marry or enter the religious life?  With such uncertainty, counseling can offer ways to find discernment.  The Ignatian model of discernment is an excellent way to discern spirits and vocations, but today, I do not want to focus on aides of discernment.  Instead I would rather emphasize what we already know–that we are called to know, love, serve God and our to love our neighbor as yourself.  No vocation will ever flourish unless we already lead a Christian life.

How much energy is lost over worry?  Uncertainty and chaos are forces of the enemy that seeks to uproot peace and take our mind off our daily duty.  Daily duty is the key of vocation.  What we do on a daily basis is vocation of the present.  God can see our final end.  We are clearly a work in process, but our final spiritual product is not our “vocation”.  Vocation is not a goal at a top of a mountain but is a continual evolving thing with various phases.  So while many seek their vocation they should already have it in their daily life.  As they live their vocation, it will develop and grow through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

So is our vocation complete when one becomes a priest, minister or religious, or if one marries their spouse?  We may see it as final accumulation, but the reality is it has already started and will continue to progress.  That moment is of no greater value in our vocation than today, as we go to work, school, or perform various acts of charity.

What we need to see is that our vocational call is not at a particular moment, but a life process.   Prayer to fulfill one’s daily vocation and unlock what God wants us to do is the key.  St. Teresa the Little Flower emphasized this in her teachings.  She found her vocation in performing the most menial tasks because that is what the day brought.  In fulfilling daily tasks, she fulfilled her vocation.  The same way, our daily lives will unfold to what God wills.  As finite creatures, we cannot see the overall picture and this is why we must trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us each day in fulfilling our daily vocation.

If you are interested in learning more about Christian Counseling and certification, then please review our program.

For those who want to become a Christian Counselor, you can take the required courses to become certified in Christian Counseling.

Mark Moran, MA

The Burning Bush or Best Friend? and Do You Want to Become a Christian Counselor?

Christian Counselors Can Help People Find A Balanced Relationship With God

In the Old Testament, Moses approached the Burning Bush and was greeted with the awe inspiring words, “I Am Who Am”.  These words portrayed a being that is eternal and is the source of all.  Moses, immediately removed his sandals and fell before God.  The mere presence turned his coal black hair to ghost white.
In the New Testament, Christ washes the feet of the apostles so that they may be clean.  He allows himself to be their friend and a suffering servant on the cross.  The apostles worship him but also hug him and share life with him.
So what is the proper relationship with the Trinity?  Is it one that sees One God and Three Persons as an Omniscient, Omnipotent, Eternal and Ever Present Deity that created all and keeps everything in existence or is it a relationship of conversation with a man named Jesus who shares our trials and sufferings?
Should we bow in adoration or hug and hold in friendship?  Should we tremble in fear, or rejoice in love?  Are we a mere creation or a good friend with God?
The answer is both.  It is not a matter of focusing on one extreme over the other because in reality there is no extreme.  The only error would be eliminating one for the other.  If our relationship with God is a relationship where we cannot look him in the eye EVER or come to him as a child or friend EVER then we are missing the point.  Sometimes, God deserves complete and humble adoration–especially during ceremonies or adoration.  Other times, it is good to come to him as a scared child or good friend for counsel and love.

If our relationship only encompasses one aspect of this relationship, then we are improperly worshiping God.  We insult him by our lack of fear if we only see him as a good “buddy” but we also strip him of his love if we only see him as a “Zeus” type figure on Olympus.
We need to have a multi-dimensional relationship with God that respects his title as “Creator of the Universe” as well as understanding his loving and compassionate heart.  In this, we can focus in our meditations upon various aspects or relationships we have with God.  The first step is to focus on the Trinity.  We can worship the fullness of God and at the same time for different occasions focus on different Persons of the Blessed Trinity.  Furthermore, within the sacred mystery of the Logos, we can also worship the God-Man Jesus Christ–whether focus at one time is on His Human Heart or Divine Love.
Even so within the Divine Persons, we can find a little of both.  If we look at the First Person, we see the Creator but within that we also see Fathership.  In the story of the Prodigal Son, does not the Father run to the son who returns?  This was totally unknown to Jewish custom and beneath a Father to run to his repentant son!
In the case of the Logos, we see Jesus Christ as a suffering servant and best friend of humanity but he also refers to Himself as “I Am Who Am” and we also have images of Christ as a fierce judge or Pantocrator who will separate the wicked from the just.
These images show us that we must have a creator/creation relationship that gives God his just due adoration but we also must possess a parent/child or friend/friend relationship as well.  The only issue is when to utilize what relationship when or where.
In many cases, it it the Holy Spirit Who will inspire you to determine what relationship is appropriate at what given time.  Some are more obvious but some are determined by the gentle whisper of the Third Person Who will always gently guide us to Him and the Father and Son who is ultimately one God, undivided and perfect.

Allow us to praise God for the wonderful mystery of the Trinity and the many aspects and relationships it affords us!
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, please review the program.  For those who want to become a Christian Counselor, these courses can help lead qualified professionals to certification.

Mark Moran, MA