Fee for service models are becoming less and less and value based care is taking over healthcare. Providers need to supply better care and quality to patients. They need to limit un-needed procedures and tests and instead focus on better care to reduce readmissions, decrease cost and improve patient health. Payers are rewarding providers who supply better quality based care.

The article, “Value-Based Care Assessment: The First Step to Value-Based Care” by Emily Sokel looks closer at how to start implementation of such plans and models. She states,
“Starting the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care is a challenge. Many provider organizations are simultaneously juggling new reimbursement models with old ones and breaking institutional memory to meaningfully move toward changes. One hospital began its journey to value-based care with an organizational assessment. The value-based care assessment helps the hospital understand which value-based care contracts it is most prepared for and how to balance this transition with existing fee-for-service reimbursement, the director of case management told Insights during a recent anonymous discussion about the division’s latest findings.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Switching to a value based care model is important for providers as government payers and private payers demand more accountability for patient health and cost. It is essential to increase the quality of care for all parties involved.
Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Case Management Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified healthcare professionals seeking a four year certification in Case Management