Helping an aging family member is difficult. Primary caregivers suffer from numerous struggles and stresses. They give up time but also time to care for themselves. This lack of time to care for oneself can lead to anger, grief, and guilt later. Being there for a loved one is important and becoming a caregiver for a family member is the ultimate statement of love but one needs to ensure proper health and care for oneself.

Many times, the primary caregiver forgets to care about oneself spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. This leads to their own illness or mental breakdown. It is important then primary caregivers understand that they are only as healthy to care for the loved one as they allow themselves to be. So it is imperative to ensure better self care and stress reduction. Sometimes that means taking a day off.
The article, “CAREGIVER STRESS PREVENTION GUIDE” by Jessica Thomas takes a closer look at how primary caregivers can reduce stress on themselves. She states,
“Caregiving for a family or loved one can be an extremely stressful experience for the caregiver. This stress can have a devastating impact on the caregiver’s physical and mental health and can also generate a wide range of conflicted emotions. Often caregivers find themselves feeling hopeless, as if the situation that they are in is an endless series of days and sad tasks. However, caregivers should not feel this way. There is a wide range of resources and strategies that can help caregivers successfully navigate their stress, no matter what type of caregiver situation they find themselves in”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program as well as AIHCP’s Pastoral Thanatology Program. Both programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking four year certifications.