Program provides patients health care coaches

The article, “Program provides patients at home with student health-care coaches”, by Amy Leap states

“One in five Medicare patients return to the hospital within a month of going home.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Doctors have made house calls for years.   It benefited the patients who were to ill or too injured to move.  The practice is still continued today.  Why can’t life coaches do the same?   A new program allows student health care coaches to provide health coaching to patients at their homes.   It is a very good way for patients who have just been operated on to receive health coaching without having to travel.   This benefits the patient because they can focus on recovery at home.    Health care coaches can also form a real connection with their clients as well.   Here is to helping people recover and lead healthier lives!

If you are interested in becoming a health care life coach then you should look into earning your health care coaching certification.   For more on this please visit: Health Coach Certificate

Health Care Coaches Suggest More Calcium.

Health Care Coaches Suggest More Calcium.

A glass of milk being poured
Health Care Coaches also say that milk does a body good!

Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the body. Ninety-nine percent of it can be found in our bones and teeth. Foods that are high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheddar cheese, ice cream, salmon and oysters. Adequate levels of vitamin D are required for calcium to adequately absorbed in the body. If you have a vitamin D deficiency then you may well have a calcium deficiency too. Health Care Coaches believe that if you are on a high protein diet over long periods of time this can have a detrimental effect on your body’s ability to absorb calcium and also causes an increase in urine excretion. Adults need about 1000 milligrams of this important mineral a day. If you are not eating foods high in calcium, then you need to consider taking calcium supplements. They can easily be found at most health food stores and pharmacies. The most common disorder of a deficiency of this mineral is osteoporosis. This condition is a thinning of the bones due to the loss of calcium. When calcium levels in the blood decrease, the bones release it back into the blood system so calcium can be available for other body functions such as muscle contraction of the heart. To learn more about calcium seek out a qualified health care coach.
For more health coaching information please visit our site.