Not Your Normal Guide To Meditation.

Guide To Meditation
Guide To Meditation

The article, “What You *Really* Need To Know About Meditation”, by Dr. Jain Wells states

“The main purpose of meditation isn’t just to relax. If you want to do that, best have a beer and put your feet up or have a hot bath. Meditation is about cultivating present-moment awareness and put your feet up or have a hot bath. Meditation is about cultivating present-moment awareness and reaping the countless benefits that come from the practice”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

This Guide To Meditation Tells You What Meditation Is Really About.

Not every article about meditation has be to a guide to meditation.   This article states that relaxation and peace is not the main purpose of why we meditate.   It goes on to state that meditation is mental training.   It helps us not react to daily life.   It helps with our body’s natural healing powers and helps us make more conscious choices throughout the day.