Education Program in Grief Counseling: Unresolved grief can be hidden health risk, experts say

The article, “Unresolved grief can be hidden health risk, experts say”, by Janice Lloyd states

“How we wrestle with grief — and ultimately push ahead to a new life — varies among individuals. But many of us who need help to bounce back are not getting it, health experts warn, jeopardizing our mental and physical health.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

Dealing with our grief is an important process.  Unresolved issues can haunt us and help us from adjusting to loss

Please review our education program in grief counseling.  The program consists of core courses that need to be taken by qualified professionals.  Qualified professionals include social workers, licensed counselors, registered nurses, hospice workers, ministers and funeral directors.  Also anyone with a degree in the health sciences or social sciences also make excellent candidates for the program.

Re-certification is due after three years and involves academic and professional hours.

Please consider entering our education program in grief counseling.  It will help enhance your already existing career and allow you to help others.

Again thanks for visiting the site and program and if you have any questions, please let us know.


To learn more about grief counseling, please review the program

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Education Program in Grief Counseling: Outcry as grief lumped in with depression

Grief is set to be confused with depressive illness in new guidelines for mental disorders.

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Ideas of grief being pathological have long passed away, but recent manuals on disorders are starting to lump the two together.  This is alarming and incorrect because grief is a natural reaction.  Depression is a form of complicated grief not normal grief.  If you are interested in learning more about grief counseling then please click here
If you would like to learn more, then please review our Education Program in Grief Counseling.  The program consists of key core courses that allow qualified professional to become certified in grief counseling after completion of the program.  Recertification is every three years.
Please consider taking these courses.  As a certified grief counselor in the Education Program in Grief Counseling, you can add a powerful certification to your professional resume. You can also become a critical part in your community when disaster or grief strikes.
In the meantime, please enjoy the article and blog and if you have any questions, please let us know

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