Alister McGrath on Why C.S. Lewis is So Important

The article, “Alister McGrath on Why C.S. Lewis is So Important”, by Alister McGrath states

“Alister McGrath discusses reasons for C.S. Lewis’ enduring influence as an author and Christian apologist.”

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

C.S. Lewis one of the greatest early Twentieth Century Christian Authors was famous for a variety of books, including the Screwtape Letters.

Alister McGrath takes sometime to discuss the role of C.S. Lewis as an author and Christian apologist.

In the meantime, please review Education Program in Christian Counseling offered by AIHCP.  The Education Program in Christian Counseling offers a variety of courses that lead to certification.

For those who wish to recertify in the Education Program in Christian Counseling, must accumulate over five hundred hours of academic and clinical practice within the field of Christian Counseling.


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Christian Counseling Program: Predictions Come and Go, But Christ Remains a Constant

Christian Counseling Program: Christian Counselors Need to Guide People Away From Secular Prophesies

While predictions of the end of world will continue to circulate (even after 12-21-12), the message of Christ remains constant.  While people put their faith in ancient pagan societies, or the prophesies of those whose gift is not from God, Scripture leaves all that is needed.  St. John, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote the Book of Revelation.  While the book is full of symbolic meaning, everything a Christian needs to know about the future is recorded in this book.  Christian Counselors need to direct their spiritual children away from anything else not from God.
It is true, God does send prophets to help us understand the Book of Revelation and the end times, but God does not want his children continually worrying about the end.  He wants us to live a holy life today and not worry about tomorrow.  How many Christians, who are urged by sinful curiosity, seek the advice of mediums or other fortune tellers?
Christ is very clear.  He states that only the Father knows the day and the time when the world will end.  So while throughout the centuries we see people expecting Christ to return,, whether in the year 1000 AD or 2000 AD or in the form of some obscure native prophecy, Christians should take heart and not lose sleep over doomsday prophesies.  Instead they should focus on today and try to become better Christians so when the day does ultimately come when Christ returns in all his glory, then we will be prepared and not taken off guard.
If you are interested in learning more about AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Program, then please review it.

Mark Moran, MA

Christian Counseling Program: Tips to Find Sanctity on the Little Things

Christian Counseling Program: Christian Counseling and the Little Things

Great men become great because of even greater trials.  Yet, for most of us, great trials or moments that define history rarely occur.  Tales of martyrdom rarely accompany our death.  Instead we are called to live a life of Christian excellence.  Christian Counselors can guide many people to extraordinary lives of sanctity simply through the “little things”.  If you would like to help guide others, consider our Christian Counseling Program

The idea of sainthood or a virtuous Christian life was not considered during the age of persecution in the early Church.  Most saints were people who heroically died a martyr’s death.  This is not to say they did not excel in virtue but the primary focus of the early Church and sainthood usually included a martyr’s end.  After the legalization of Christianity, saint like individuals ceased to be killed but died naturally.  This led the Church to a new examination of people’s lives that exceeded merely martyrdom but also spirituality.
Many great saints sought the honor of martyrdom.  St. Teresa of Avila as a young child ran away from home to face the Moors in Spain, but was properly reprimanded for such a rash decision.  Instead her life was to be a spiritual one that excelled in pious virtue.  This is the type of life that God calls to many Christians.  This is the life that God wills for many of us.  He does not call or expect all to become famous figures in the Christian circle or suffer a heroic death but to simply testify and live according to his laws.  Those who conform their will to God’s will and live according to his precepts live a sanctified life simply by fulfilling one’s daily duty.  One’s daily duty may be as simple as cleaning one’s house, earning a wage for one’s family or helping others in need.  When one fulfills their daily duty and conforms one’s will to God, then their life becomes as extraordinary as the saints.  In fact, that is how one becomes a saint!  One can only wonder until they reach heaven, how many great saints exist that were never known but were kept beautiful secrets from the public eye.  These unknown saints are spiritual treasures to the Church that intercede for us on earth everyday.  These unknown saints understood the beauty of offering their will to God in the most smallest of tasks as each day unveiled itself.

So What Can You Do?

St. Teresa the Little Flower, not to be confused with St. Teresa of Avila, conformed her will to the Lord in every smallest action.  Her simple life rejoiced in the Lord in the smallest things, from sweeping the floor of the convent to facing her fear of spiders.  Every single thing she did, she offered it to the Lord.  Through this simple life, she would later be revered as one of the Church’s most known daughters and elevated to sainthood.  So what can you do?  You can start by emulating St. Teresa.  One can make everyday chores a prayer to God.  One can bite their tongue in humility when something angers oneself or offer up a fear or pain to God when it would be easier to complain.
I often joke that if St. Teresa had a computer or had to drive in traffic, she would not be a saint, but the reality is the frustrations of computer trouble or the annoying driver ahead are all excellent opportunities to perfect Christian virtue.  I am far from being the one to preach this but I hope to illuminate myself and you as well in these little things!  Yet the point is simple:  Work with what you have and offer it to God on a daily basis.  One day at a time, take the little things the Lord gives to you and turn them into prayers and opportunities to please God.
While it is hard to bless instead of to curse, or to clean something with a smile instead of a frown, or to be patient instead of in a hurry, we can all accomplish these goals with the grace of God.  The trick is being open to that grace and aware of the opportunities that God gives to us.  So while martyrdom may not be in our future, we can become a martyr for Christ by offering our will to him and becoming sanctified by the little things he gives us everyday
If you are interested in the Christian Counseling Program, please review it.  The Christian Counseling Program is open to qualified professionals.  Qualified professionals must complete the Christian Counseling courses that make up the core element of the program.  After completing the courses, one can become certified in the Christian Counseling Program.

Mark Moran, MA