Healthcare Case Management Article on Revenue Cycles

Good article for those interested in Healthcare Case Management and revenue cycling.  Many hospitals have ineffective revenue cycle management.  The article looks at statistics as well as aspects of this topic.

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.
Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it meets your academic and professional needs.

The article, “26% of Hospitals Without Effective Revenue Cycle Management System” by Jacqueline LaPointe discusses how hospitals can do a better job in this area and enhance their revenue cycle.  The article states,

“Black Book surveyed over 4,640 individuals from 522 hospitals and healthcare delivery networks on their use of 165 revenue cycle management technology services and solutions. The survey showed that revenue cycle management improvement is happening, but a significant portion of hospitals still do not have workable solutions.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to learn more about revenue cycles as well as to become certified in Healthcare Case Management.  The online program is designed for working professionals in the healthcare field who are looking to enter into the case management arena.

Healthcare Case Management Article on Healthcare and Midterm 2018 Elections

One thing both sides of the political aisle can agree on in these 2018 midterms is that the American people were definitely concerned about Healthcare.  With the victory of many open seats to Democrats, they know have a strong say and shape in the future evolution of that healthcare system.

The article, “Democrats Won a Mandate on Health Care. How Will They Use It?” by Robert Pear explores the situation in Washington and how Democrats in the House will look to determine the future of Healthcare in opposition to the ideals held by President Trump.

The midterm 2018 elections were all about healthcare. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
The midterm 2018 elections were all about healthcare. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article states,

“After House Democrats’ election triumph, Nancy Pelosi’s appraisal was clear: “Health care was on the ballot, and health care won.”

But how do Democrats intend to use the power they won?”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.


Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Value Based Care Model

Good article on value based care and how it can help drive preventative care.  In fact, patients in a value based care model benefit greatly in preventative care practices.  Through various models, education and teaching can help patients understand their own diagnosis and recovery to prevent future issues.   This type of model is very beneficial to any organization and it is of no wonder that these value based care models correlate with better preventative care with patients.

Value based care models help! Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
Value based care models help! Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article, “Value-Based Care Drives Preventive Care, Care Management”  by Sarah Heath explores this reality and delves into greater detail how value based care models are very beneficial for patients.  The article states,

Patients receiving care from a doctor in a value-based care model tend to experience better quality care, receive more preventive care, and yield higher medication adherence and adherence to chronic disease management plans, according to a new report from Humana.

To read the entire article, please click here

A certified Case Manager also is well versed in these areas of study and makes an excellent candidate to help implement various value based care models.  Pleas also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to see if it matches any of your academic or professional needs. By taking the core courses in Case Management, qualified professionals can earn a certification in Case Management with AIHCP and apply the skills to their profession.



Healthcare Management Program Article on Complex Need Management

Readmission into hospitals is a big cost issue.  Patients with more complicated issues need extra care and management in preventing unexpected returns.  A more comprehensive and qualify based care and lessen readmission for those suffering from more complicated issues.  The article and study below look closer at why this type of care worked in lowering admission.

More intensive care management for complex situations led to a lowering of readmission by 37 percent. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
More intensive care management for complex situations led to a lowering of readmission by 37 percent. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article, “Focusing on Patients With Complex Medical Needs via Intense Care Management Shows Promise, AJMC® Researchers Say” states,

“Super-utilizers,” or patients with complex health issues and frequent hospital visits, are becoming a focus of care management programs in an effort to improve patient outcomes. However, evidence on their effectiveness is slim. A study published in The American Journal of Managed Care® (AJMC®)found that Medicare fee-for-service patients in four states who fit this category and were enrolled in a high-intensity care management program had 37 percent fewer unplanned hospital readmissions than a matched comparison group.

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Case Management Program to learn more about proper management in the health field.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Chronic Care Management

Good article on chronic care and the importance of identifying factors in that type of care.  Those certified in Healthcare Case Management can be very useful in chronic care and management of it.

Please review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs
Please review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs

The article, “Designing a high-value approach to chronic care management” by Virginia Gurley discusses factors surrounding chronic care and how better methods can factors can be employed in its deployment.  The article states,

“Eighty percent of members’ health is determined by social factors such as housing, economic position, education and social connections, so called social determinants of health. But, most healthcare organizations struggle to use social determinants data to target members for focused intervention, a recent study found.”

To read the entire article, please click here

It is important for these various other social factors surrounding a patient to be reviewed as the article suggests.  Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Re-Admissions

Readmissions cost hospitals and insurance companies millions of dollars.  Good hospital administration and case management can help keep readmissions down.

Readmissions is a big financial issue. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program
Readmissions is a big financial issue. Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program


The article, “Top 4 Big Data Analytics Strategies to Reduce Hospital Readmissions” by Jessica Kent looks at four big data analytic strategies to help reduce admissions. The article states,

“Unplanned hospital readmissions are one of the costliest services in healthcare, with organizations shelling out billions each year on these frequently avoidable episodes.”

To read the entire article, please click here

As long as readmissions are high, the cost of healthcare will be high, so it is important to reduce readmissions for this financial purpose alone, but also for the overall health and recovery of the patient which can be lost in the game of cents and dollars

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to learn more and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Case Management Certification Article on American Healthcare

Healthcare is far from perfect, but it could still be so much better in the United States.  It is constantly an issue every election and it seems noone can ever get it right.   This is an issue Americans deal with while it seems other countries manage to put a better product on the table for their citizens.  Why can’t the United States?]

America's healthcare could be so much better. Please also review our Case Management Certification
America’s healthcare could be so much better. Please also review our Case Management Certification

The article, “America’s Health Care System Could Be So Much Better” by Donald Rebhun looks at this issue and what it would take for a real change to occur.  The article states,

The ongoing conversation around health care in the United States presents a daunting question: How is it that this country—with all its wealth, education and innovation—has among the highest health care costs of any industrialized nation, yet its clinical outcomes still lag behind?

To read the entire article, please click here

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Case Management Certification Article on Patient Admissions

Being admitted into the hospital can be a very stressful process for a patient who is already ill or in need of care.  The quality of that care and the quality of that process is critical to proper care and aid to the patient.  Please also review our Case Management Certification

The article, “Lean” Improvement in the Quality of Patient Care in the Hospital Admissions Process, from the American Journal of Accountable Care, states

“Among the most important challenges that a healthcare system faces are money flow and the quality of the care provided to patients. Lean methodology (LM), as a management method in healthcare, has helped to improve the delivery of care and service to patients.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Again, the importance of quality in admissions is critical not just for patients but also for the proper treatment and care that medical professionals need to perform life saving care.  This is the first step to patient care and needs to be an essential part to any care plan at a medical facility.  All necessary steps to ensure quality and a smooth process must be implemented

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Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Cost Cutting Strategies

Great article on cost cutting strategies for healthcare executives.  This article looks at seven cost cutting strategies that can help reduce cost.  Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program to learn more.

The article, Healthcare finance leaders share 7 cost-cutting strategies, by Kelly Gooch states,

“Hospitals and health systems increasingly face financial pressures from dwindling reimbursement, increasing competition, deteriorating payer mix and other factors.

Due to these pressures, reducing costs is at the forefront of healthcare finance leaders’ minds, whether they are at a rural, nonprofit, urban or safety-net organization.

Here, executives from various types of facilities discuss seven strategies to reduce costs.”

To read about the other cost cutting strategies, please click here

It is very important as healthcare professionals to reduce prices without lowering the quality of care.  This article points to how this can be done.

Please also review our Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Medicaid

Medicaid can be a life line for some who are to ill and sick to have any other type of coverage.   This article looks at an individual case.   Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program

The article, Living and Dying on Medicaid, by Libby Watson states,

“Todd Mouw, a 53 year old man who lived in Iowa, died on July 8. He was married to Cyndi Mouw; he helped organize meals for needy people in his county with his family; and he was a quadriplegic, paralyzed 32 years ago after an accident. He couldn’t breathe on his own and needed round-the-clock care, but he lived for years and years at home, with care workers provided by Medicaid, until that care was slowly taken away by the for-profit company that has run his plan in Iowa since 2016.”

To read the entire article, please click here