Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Healthcare

Good article for those interested in healthcare and healthcare related areas.  This article looks at putting health back at the forefront of healthcare and how healthcare professionals can play a pivotal role in making this common sense simple idea work again.  Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs

The article, Here’s a Crazy Idea: Put Health at the Center of Health Care, by Clifton Leaf states,

“A decade ago, doctors Tom Frieden and Farzad Mostashari wrote a commentary for a leading medical journal entitled, “Health Care as If Health Mattered.” The essay, published in JAMA (sorry—it’s behind a paywall), had a simple, if obvious, premise: “Health care must be restructured to make maximizing health the organizing principle.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Case Management Certification Article on Healthcare Population Strategy

Good article for those interested in Healthcare and management.  This article in particular deals with the many issues of Population Strategy and lists twelve ways healthcare professionals can better deal with this issue.  Please also review our Case Management Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

The article, 12 key steps to a successful population health strategy, states

“No single vendor in the current healthcare IT market meets all the requirements of population health management that providers are looking for, says Dale Sanders, who spent 22 years as a healthcare chief information officer and now serves as senior vice president at Health Catalyst, an analytics vendor. To help organizations make sense of the available vendor options and understand what is required to effectively manage populations, Sanders offers 12 criteria to plan PHM strategy and evaluate vendors.”

To review the remaining eleven strategies please review the article by clicking here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.  If you would like to learn more, please review the program and see if online, independent study courses leading to certification in Case Management is the best method for you.


Healthcare Case Management Article on Child Health Strategies

Good article for those interested in Healthcare Case Management.  This article deals with child health strategies.  Please also review our program by clicking here

The article, Role of district health management teams in child health strategies, states

“Well functioning district health systems are essential for planning and implementation of health services, and their efforts are key to improving quality of care and achieving health goals, say Tanya Doherty and colleagues

The district health system usually includes a network of hospitals and primary healthcare facilities catering to a specified population, under the guidance of district health management teams. This structure was developed to facilitate the management and implementation of primary healthcare.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Case Management Certification Article on Lowering HealthCare Costs

Good article on lowering healthcare costs. Please also review our Case Management Certification to learn more about healthcare and managing healthcare costs in case management

The article, 3 Entrepreneurs Who Made It Their Mission to Lower Health Care Costs, by Vijay Govindaraja  and Mahesh Sriram , states,

“There is a healthcare crisis in the U.S. which cries out for breakthrough healthcare delivery innovations that aim at significant cost reductions and wider coverage. In 2016, the U.S. spent a staggering $3.2 trillion, or almost 18% of its GDP, on health care — that’s $10,000 per person, twice as much as any other country in the industrialized world.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Enjoy the article and let us know what you think

Please also review our Case Management Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Case Management Certification Article on Drug Prices

Good article for medical professionals as well individuals looking for the best price on the drugs they need for their conditions. Please also review our Case Management Certification

The article, How to know if you’re paying too much for that drug, by Jill Cornfield states,

“Filling a prescription is pretty simple. In some states, including Maine, Minnesota and New York, your doctor electronically files the order. Elsewhere you bring the doctor’s scribbled instructions to a pharmacist.”

To read the entire article, please click here

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Healthcare Case Management Program Article on Education in Healthcare

Good article on the importance of healthcare professionals seeing healthcare as more than just medicine but also education.  This is especially true in healthcare administration as countries continue to grow and their healthcare systems need educated administrators.

The article, Education: Healthcare is much more than just medicine, by Pradeep Panda states,

“According to the Asian Development Bank, not only is India bound to possess the world’s largest workforce by 2027, it is also projected to sustain its impressive GDP growth rate of 7.6%.”

To read the entire article, please click: Here

The article emphasizes the critical importance of educated professionals to meet the needs of growing healthcare needs in a variety of populations, but with most emphasis on India

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

Healthcare Case Management Program Article on ER Costs

Emergency room visits can be necessary but also costly financially.  This article looks at the cost incurred by average Americans at the ER but also many of the issues Americans face against insurance companies who refuse to pay for the care

The article, As an Insurer Resists Paying for ‘Avoidable’ E.R. Visits, Patients and Doctors Push Back, by Reed Abelson, Margot Sanger-Katz and Julie Creswell, looks at some of these issues and also connects you to other resources to help understand the nature of the ER. It states

“Anthem denied thousands of claims last year under its “avoidable E.R. program,” according to a sample of emergency room bills analyzed by the American College of Emergency Physicians. The program, which Anthem has been rolling out in a handful of states in recent years, reviews claims based on the final diagnosis of patients.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Program.

Healthcare Case Management Certification Article on Healthcare and America

Good article for healthcare professionals and the latest problems with healthcare and our financial situation

The article, The real reason health care is bankrupting America, by Dr. Kenneth L. Davis states

“The United States spends far more on health care than any other nation on the globe: $10,348 per person, which amounts to nearly 18 percent of gross domestic product. That is eight percentage points above the average of the industrialized member nations of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Healthcare Case Management Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.

The program is online, self study and independent with courses that lead to a four year certification.  Nurses and other healthcare professionals may enter and begin to an exciting career as a certified Case Manager.

Case Management Certification Article on HCAHPS Scores

Secure Your Score: A Few Tips to Improve Your Practice’s HCAHPS Score

Something healthcare practitioners should give a lot of attention to is the HCAHPS. This acronym stands for Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems. This is a survey that is filled out by patients to indicate their satisfaction or lack thereof with the services rendered at a medical facility. You can think of HCAHPS as a performance review performed by actual patients.

Hcahps is required by CMS, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It is used for all hospitals in the United States. It is performed over the phone after a patient is discharged. The results of these surveys become part of the public record and are used by the government to determine reimbursement for that facility. It’s extremely important to receive good scores on this survey. Below are a few tips you can use to improve your practice’s HCAHPS scores.

Make Your Team Cognizant of HCAHPS

Obtaining high scores on HCAHPS requires good communication among all the staff members of a medical facility. It must be communicated to nurses, doctors and other staff members that HCAHPS is a strong priority. They must be made aware of the scores that have been received. There should be an open dialogue on how to improve scores and ways different staff members can do their part to improve the patient experience. Consider having staff meetings about HCAHPS specifically especially if low scores are an issue.

Treat Patients with Respect and Courtesy

Low HCAHPS scores may be an indication that patients believe they are not being treated with the right amount of respect and courtesy by nurses, doctors and others that work in a medical facility. The first question on the survey in fact regards the courtesy shown to a patient by nurses. Lack of respect and courtesy as perceived by the patient can throw off the entire score.

Sometimes, there may be a difference in perceptions regarding an interaction between a healthcare professional and a patient. Just because the healthcare professional believes the interaction went well does not mean the patient feels the same way. In this case, some additional training may be required. The patient should be properly greeted, and the healthcare professional should maintain eye contact with that patient. Having a friendly demeanor and making small talk can also go a long way with helping to improve patient satisfaction.

Listen to Patients

Another important question on the HCAHPS survey regards whether or not a patient was listened to properly. Listening is an important part of the healthcare process. It is one of the ways healthcare professionals like nurses and doctors gather evidence to help make informed decisions regarding patient care. Patients may be experiencing specific symptoms that they find very worrying. If a healthcare professional does not properly listen to what patients have to say and instead interrupts or ignores them, this can be very distressing.

Communicate Clearly with Patients

Listening is only part of proper communication with patients. You also need to be able to explain medical conditions, care plans, tests, prescriptions, etc. In a way that the patient understands. Whether or not this communication was clear enough is also something that is scored on the HCAHPS. Try to avoid technical medical jargon and explain things in ways that individual patients can comprehend. Don’t be afraid to use tools to help educate patients either. A DVD with animations that demonstrate how a certain medical procedure is performed can be an effective teaching tool.

Overall, HCAHPS is important. If you don’t receive good scores, you have an issue that must be immediately addressed. Improving HCAHPS scores isn’t only important because it’s used as a measuring tool by CMS. If you want to be a good healthcare practitioner, patients should feel satisfied with the care they receive in your facility.


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Healthcare Case Management Article

Good article for those interested in Healthcare Case Management.

The article, Care Management for Children With Medical Complexity: Integration Is Essential, by Richard C. AntonelliRenee M. Turchi state, 

“In the report “Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Case Management Service for Children with Medical Complexity,” Simon et al1 examine the impact of a care management intervention that is based in a pediatric academic medical center on quality and cost outcomes for children with medical complexity (CMC) and their families. Rigorously designed studies like this are important and timely because increased attention is being given to achieving the national strategic priority to improve outcomes for high-resource–using children and youth.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you would like to learn more about Healthcare Case Management, then please review our certification program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.