Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Ecological Grief

The loss of nature and ecological destruction plays a large role on humanity.  Individuals suffer from the devastation and grieve the loss of what was once.  These types of losses of beauty as well as climate problems cause distress.  This type of grief and anxiety is ecological grief.   For instance, some may fear the […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Life and Loss

In life there are a few constants, unfortunately, death and loss is one.  While one plans one’s day and deals with stress and daily plans, no one ever really thinks about a death that may occur.  Life can change quickly at a moments notice and one discovers soon how fragile life truly is.  What was […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Holiday Grief

The holidays always play a big part in our  lives.  Some happy, some not so happy.  Stress, loss and grief can unfortunately play a larger part than joy and peace.  If grieving a loss, it is natural to experience the holidays differently than before.  Individuals vary in how they will respond to the loss.  Some […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Physical Effects of Grief

Grief not only affects our brain and mind but also affects our body.  Grief overtime can cause physical conditions and increase stress induced diseases.  This is why it is so important to deal with grief effectively to prevent long term complications. The article, “9 Physical Symptoms Of Grief You Should Know” by JR Thorpe states, […]

Grief Counseling Training Article on Child Suicide

Losing a child is the greatest loss a parent can face.  How the child dies can make the loss even more unbearable.  The loss of a child through suicide is even a greater loss.  Many parents need emotional and professional support in dealing with such a loss. The article, “How do you live after your […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Divorce and Loss

Divorce naturally creates loss and grief.  Grief is a natural bi product of divorce and adjusting to this type of loss can take years.  While numerous stresses can occur, some divorces can create complicated grief reactions.  In these cases, extra help and counseling is needed. The article, “Grieving After Divorce Is Normal, But This Kind […]

Child and Adolescent Grief Counseling Training Article on Child Grief

Child grieving is unique and different than adult grieving.  Child grief is multi dimensional based on the child’s age and maturity.  Children grieve differently and understand reality and death and loss differently.  Due to this, it is critical to discuss loss with children and expose them to the reality of it in a good way. […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Misconceptions of Miscarriage

Miscarriage is loss of a child.  While legal status may not view it, the human heart clearly understands it.   The child loss during pregnancy while never met is still present.  Losing the child is losing a future.  For some couples it can even more agonizing if they are trying to bring a child into the […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Grief and Growth

Grief is an altering experience.  It can transform us.  While it can hurt us short term, it also helps us grow through life.  Grief may live scars but it also makes us stronger. The article, “Finding Empowerment Through Grief” by Carol Lawrence states, “Grief is one of the most universal experiences that we can go […]