Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Divorce and Loss

Divorce naturally creates loss and grief.  Grief is a natural bi product of divorce and adjusting to this type of loss can take years.  While numerous stresses can occur, some divorces can create complicated grief reactions.  In these cases, extra help and counseling is needed.

Divorce always leads to some type of grief. Sometimes it can more serious than other times. Please also review our Grief Counseling Training Program

The article, “Grieving After Divorce Is Normal, But This Kind Of Grief Isn’t” by Karen Finn discusses when grief and divorce can go terribly wrong.  The article states,

“After all, divorce is the end of a way of life and of your dreams. It makes sense that you’d feel sad about it, mourn who you were in your married life and are no more, and be grief-stricken that all of your plans for a happily-ever-after have come to a screeching halt.”

To learn more about divorce and how to help individuals through it, review the entire article by clicking here

Divorce is never easy.  A trained Grief Counselor can help.  Please review our Grief Counseling Training Program to see if it meets your academic and professional goals.