Animal Therapy with Grief and Stress Issues

In the area of grief and loss, anxiety, trauma, or in special needs, individuals are or can become more closed off from other human beings.  Many are unable to express emotions properly, communicate with others, or feel independent to do things or interact with others.   Individuals can become closed off to the world and unable […]

Grief and Play Therapy with Children

Grief is a universal and unbiased in who it afflicts.  Unfortunately, children suffer in this fallen world of pain and loss.  Throughout the world, children are plagued with horrible images that adults in many nations would never imagine.  Children are victims of war, bombings, loss of family and many traumatic incidents.  Children are abused in […]

Grief Counseling and the Dual Process Model

The normal grieving process is one of ups and downs.  In the initial raw phases of grief, emotions oscillate from extremes.  One moment, one may be sad, or angry, another one may find some sort of peace, only to find oneself again in deep emotional turbulence.  As time progresses, the individual begins to attempt to […]

Grief Journaling for Healing

Journaling in grief and bereavement offers a personal and reflective way to navigate the complex emotions and experiences that accompany loss. It provides a therapeutic outlet for expressing thoughts and feelings, preserving memories of loved ones, and finding solace through the written word. As we explore the multifaceted aspects of grief journaling, from its theoretical […]

Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development and Grief

Erik Erikson, a prominent psychologist, developed a psychosocial process to measure proper development of the human individual.  Through a series of steps in development throughout life, he theorized that the human individual must conquer certain stages in order to develop in a healthy way.  When certain stages are not properly conquered, future social and mental […]

Dealing with Pet Loss Grief and How to Help Others.

By – James M. Katz, BA As a pet owner, losing a beloved furry friend can be one of the most heart-wrenching experiences. The emotional toll of pet loss grief is often underestimated, leaving many pet owners feeling alone and overwhelmed. In this article, I will discuss the emotional toll of pet loss grief, the […]

The Grief of Mid-Life Crisis

Age is a constant in life.  From the moment of one’s conception, there is biological change taking place.  One continues to change and age and grow physically and mentally and throughout each phase in life there are new challenges and expectations.  The ability to adjust and alter with change and aging is key to a […]

Grief Support vs Grief Therapy

In a world where everything is labeled as “counseling” in the generic sense, things can become confusing for those seeking deeper mental care instead of everyday advice.  This can lead to legal ramifications where individuals unknowingly are claiming to be counselors and can infer penalties from the state.   Hence grief support as opposed to grief […]