Grief Counseling Training Article on Season Depression

Certain times of the year can cause seasonal depression or SAD.  Usually it is during the Winter months that most face a type of seasonal depression.  The shorter days, lack of outside air and the inability to do more things due to the weather can contribute to this condition.   The article, “How to Recognize […]

Grief Counseling Training Article on Major Depressive Disorder

Depression is not merely sadness but is a complication of grief itself.  It is even beyond loss gone wrong and failure to adjust but can be random and without loss to identify.  Depression can cause extreme and intense sadness over an extended period of time with a multitude of symptoms.  Hopelessness, loss of interest in […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Employee Bereavement

Employees are not machines.  They experience loss and grief.  When loss and grief occurs, it can transfer over to the workplace.  Production and other aspects of work are affected when employees grieve but employers and corporations owe more to their employees than a pay check but a true investment into their overall well being.  In […]

Grief Counseling Training Article on Miscarriage and Loss

Miscarriage loss is many times a loss suffered alone.  It is disenfranchised and belittled at times because the child was not born.  Pending on the time period of the miscarriage, determines the greater loss but many women regardless feel a special connection and their bodies react to the loss.   The article, “11 things you […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Corporate Bereavement Policies

Grief does not consider careers or work schedules.  It comes regardless of project deadlines or important meetings.  Individuals who depend on their job need time to not only mourn the loss of their loved one but they also need to know their employer is there for them, supplying not only job security during tragedy but […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Depression and Fatigue

Many individuals experience fatigue and tiredness.  It is not necessarily a sign for alarm, but in some cases,  chronic fatigue can point to a deeper issue.  Fatigue and lack of energy is also closely correlated with depression.  Numerous depressed individuals find themselves fatigued and tired without realizing fatigue is a physical symptom of depression.   […]