Providing Care to Bereaved Parents During Infant and Child Death Awareness Month

The article,”Providing Care to Bereaved Parents During Infant and Child Death Awareness Month”, by Rev. Sue Wintz states “We all have the opportunity during October and November to provide much-needed care to bereaved parents and family members. Being aware of the potential impact of “forever grief” is the first important step.” American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight: […]

Myths about palliative care –

  American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight: End of life is not about traveling to the Elephant Grave Yard but is about quality of life.  Good pastoral care is about helping people have a quality existence that treats the entire person. Many myths exist about palliative and hospice care.  Those trained in Pastoral Thanatology understand that pastoral […]

Preparing for the end: ‘death cafe’ brings people together to talk about dying

The article, “Preparing for the end: ‘death cafe’ brings people together to talk about dying”, by Nic MacBean. “At a ‘death cafe’ in Brisbane, people sit around tables eating cake, drinking coffee, and talking about dying.” American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight: Social media is opening up doors that were never opened before.  People are able to express […]

Why Should Anyone Be Afraid Of Dying?

The article, “Why Should Anyone Be Afraid Of Dying?”, by Karl A. Pillemer, Ph.D. states “We seem to be inundated now with books about death — and about how great it is.” American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight: Most people who reflect on dying throughout their life have less anxiety especially if religious.  Most people instead fear […]

Better End of Life Decisions Come From Better Communication

Grief Counseling: End of Life Decisions End of Life decisions are best made well before the final moments.  Health care professionals who are better equipped with knowledge in handling these situations can serve the entirety of their patients better.   The needs of the patient and suggestions of the caregiver should be an open mutual forum […]

Grieving During the Civil War

The Grief of the Civil War The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict in American History.  The death and suffering that followed in its footprints left numerous families grief stricken.  The article below discusses the cultural and social issues and how families handled the grief of the Civil War. The article, “Examination: Death and Dying […]

Are Pastoral Counselors Effected By Your Own Fears of Death?

Medical Caregivers and Their Own Preconceived Notions About Death In counseling it is always taught to keep one’s own preconceived notions or past out of the objective judgement during a session with a patient.  The same should hold true for medical caregivers.  This represents a large portion of doctors, nurses, social workers and even pastoral counselors. […]

The Healing of the Grieving Child

Six Reconciliation Needs of the Grieving Child When children grieve they need to meet various tasks in overcoming their grief and adjusting to the post grief world.  It is also important for grief counselors, parents, and concerned adults to help the grieving child meet these needs to adjust. The first task or need is for the child to […]

The Pastoral Care Giving Provider as an Exquisite Witness

What is an Exquisite Witness in Pastoral Care? In Pastoral Care, one crosses the line of just merely a provider but also a spiritual friend.  A friend who is there to comfort and reassure the spiritual and emotional element of a patient.  An Exquisite Witness is one who personifies this element of care of the dying. From a defintion, an […]

Who Cares About the Pastoral Caregivers?

Pastoral Care for the One Who Cares the Most My grandmother cared tirelessly for my grandfather and as his health gradually deteriorated he became more needy in his everyday activities.  Fortunately for my grandfather, my grandmother was a nurse and knew how to care for someone who was gradually becoming less and less physically capable.  […]