Grief Counseling Training Blog on High Functioning Depression

Many individuals deal with depression on a daily basis.  They may not even know they are depressed and push through life.  High functioning depression does not leave one bed ridden but parasitically wears the individual down on a daily basis.  Like most depression, it may not have an acute reason or loss but merely manifests […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Video on Therapies for Children and Grief

There are numerous therapies to help children better communicate their grief.  They can express through multiple outlets of creativity to help them express the grief and issues that haunt them.  Counselors can help children through a variety of methods.   Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Training Program and see if it meets your academic […]

Grief Counseling Training Video on Sojourning with the Bereaved

Sojourning requires walking with the bereaved and sharing in the journey.  It involves empathy and compassion.  It involves taking an active part in helping the person heal and making it a personal goal and desire for oneself. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The […]

Grief Counseling Training Blog on Sport’s Grief

Fandom to individuals or sports teams is a big part of American society.  One forms close ties to public figures or actors or for one’s sports team.  Whether football, baseball, basketball or hockey, or professional or college levels, individuals form tight bonds with their teams.   They became entranced by the teams record, status, players, and […]

Grief Counseling Training Program Article on Grief and Writing

Writing and journaling is very therapeutic, especially with grief.  One is able to express oneself without others present and also allows one to better understand one’s own sorrow and grief.  Writing is an excellent coping tool for those grieving.   The article, “How to understand your grief through writing” by Beth Daly takes a closer look […]

Grief Counseling Training Article on Trauma and Depression

Depression can have an acute cause or no general cause at all but merely set in but there are connections with depression and acute trauma.  Trauma or severe loss or experience can negatively affect a person and cause a severe grief reaction resulting in depression.   The article, “Trauma and Depression: What to Know” by […]