Grief demands more of a man than a stiff upper lip | Letters

Grief Counseling Training   Letters: The empire is no more, but British males continue to psychologically construct themselves in contrast to women – tough, aggressive, reticent and invulnerable Sourced through from: The old image of a man who does not cry is more our culture than gender roles.  Men should cry over loss […]

Are You Healing Your Grief, or Perpetuating It?

We all know that it is in one’s highest good to grieve the loss of a relationship. Healthy grief releases feelings rather than allowing them to get stuck in the body. Healthy grief allows the griever Sourced through from: Grief Counseling helps people overcome and adapt with acute grief.  Some people perpetuate grief. […]

Embracing Grief When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

One day when I was visiting Ed, my beloved Romanian life partner of 30 years, in the memory care facility where he lived, they were having a festive sing-along. I sat down beside him to keep him company. Sourced through from: The particular grief that comes with Alzheimers can be difficult because you […]

Grief At The Office: When A Coworker Loses A Loved One

As described in Sheryl Sandberg’s moving Facebook post about her husband’s death, when a colleague suffers the loss of a loved one, this incredibly personal experience can create uncertainty in the office. Here’s how to handle it. Sourced through from: Workplaces try to help employees who lose a loved one,  It can be […]

Memorial Day, or National Grief Acknowledgement Day?

In a sense, Memorial Day weekend should usher this country into the griever’s world: The every day reality of grief. Memorial Day should (or could) be a time when the whole nation bows its collective head to its collective heart, and says: Ow. Ow. OW. This hurts. Source: In many ways Memorial Day is […]

Grief Counselor Says It’s OK to Mourn a Fictional Character’s Death

How fans can cope with the deaths of their favorite characters on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and other shows Source: Would this be considered disenfranchised as the article states or simply mental issues?  As Grief Counselors, a loss is a loss and it needs to be addressed.  Maybe the loss affects the person due to a  […]

The Unprecedented Nature of Individual Grief

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone say they like ambiguity, I’d be pretty broke.  Studies show that making ambiguous decisions (based on little or conflicting evidence) actually activates areas of the brain associated with processing fear and emotion; thus proving that fear of the unknown is more than just an ominous […]

Applications of a Certified Grief Counselor

What Exactly is a Certified Grief Counselor? Believe it or not, people confuse the nature of Grief Counseling with many things that it is not.   Grief Counseling does not deal with pathologies, but the simple emotion of loss and the re-adaptation to that loss.   A certified Grief Counselor, without a counseling license issued by the […]

Health Care Certifications from AIHCP and Training Secrets to Building Massive Muscles

Untold Training Secrets for Building Massive Muscles   A better understanding of nutrition is very rewarding for everyone because the information can be used appropriately depending on the person’s needs. It can prevent diseases, fight infection and body building. Proper nutrition and training coupled with the supplementation are the key to lose fat and build […]

Art exhibition examines death and How to Become a Grief Counselor

The article, “Art exhibition examines death”, by Matt Hudson states “Meeting your maker. Kicking the bucket. Death. Some fear it, others ignore it.” American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight: Art is an excellent way for the bereaved to express themselves.  Play therapy, art therapy and any type of artistic expression help the grieving heal. Grief counselors are aware […]