Basic anger management techniques are important especially in stressed areas. Covid-19 enraged areas over mask use is a big issue between those who wear and those who do not. Anger and fights and sometimes death occur in these confrontations. This is why it is so important to utilize anger management in these cases.

The article, “Managing Anger: Real Steps To Stop The COVID Rage” by Elizabeth Broadbent reviews how we can better control our anger. She states,
“Managing anger means noticing and naming it in the moment, and when I see people moving into my space or not wearing a mask, I feel angry. I am personally offended. I can name it now. I don’t excuse it or hide it or justify it. I feel angry. And I also recognize that it’s okay to be angry. Anger is a feeling. We can control how we act. We can’t control how we feel. In other words, I can name my feeling. But that feeling doesn’t give me a right to act out.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and qualified professionals can earn a four year certification.