Anger Management Certification Article on Controlling Anger

Anger Management is important in maintaining relationships and overall health.  Society demands proper control of emotions.  This is not to say anger is bad but it is bad when it is out of control.   Learning short term and long term strategies to control anger are important to life.  If one does not have control of anger and is frequent to sudden outbursts, rage and violence, then anger management is something they may look to consider.  Counselors can help create short term and long term plans to better control anger and keep it from taking control

How well do you control your anger from day to day events? Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Certification


The article, “How Anger Management Improves Your Life” by Anastasia Climan looks closer at various strategies that can help individuals learn to control anger.  She states,

“Anger can be described as an intense emotion in response to feelings of opposition or hostility to something or someone. Uncontrolled anger can produce emotional outbursts or aggressive behavior. Learning how to deal with anger issues through anger management techniques can help you develop the anger management skills necessary for healthy relationships.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Anger is an important emotion.  It stems from our fight or flight response which is natural and imperative to survival.  It awakens us to threats and pushes us to correct injustice, however, when it controls us or when it is misplaced or misused, it can become a destructive force.  Anger Management can help control anger.  AIHCP offers an Anger Management Certification for qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.  The program is online and independent study.  Please review the program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.