Anger is a two sided street in business. Managers and employers need to show constraint in how they react to employees. Some employees may cause irritations and cause legal issues and it is important that managers and employers understand how to properly deal with these situations but in a mature and controlled manner. Anger Management is key in controlling emotions when looking to fire someone or discipline someone. Emotions can make it personal and this needs to be avoided.

The article, “Anger Management: What’s That Have to do With Employment Legal Issues?” by Bill Nolan looks deeper at anger issues in dealing with employees and legal issues surrounding it. The article states,
“The emotions are normal. But there is not much point in you paying what you have to pay for legal advice just to have the lawyer tell you what you want to hear, especially what you want to hear when you’re understandably upset. How has the lawyer seen it play out before? Are there bad case scenarios you need to be considering? How likely are they? So by all means, get your frustrations off your chest, then take a deep breath and invite some candid input on your choices and next steps.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Consulting.