Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD has many different symptoms. Different individuals manifest different elements. The symptoms are disruptive at varying degrees for different individuals. Adults can especially have negative social consequences due to their ADHD. Learning to overcome symptoms of ADHD is critical for adults who may never have known they had ADHD.

The article, “10 Signs of ADHD in Adults—& Why It‘s So Important to Spot, According to an Expert Who Has It Herself” by Dara Katz takes a closer look at ADHD in adults and why it is so critical for adults to seek help if they have ADHD. She states,
“You’ve heard about ADHD in children, and you even recognize how important it is for kids’ and their families to spot and acknowledge it so they can better thrive in play, school and home. But what about undiagnosed ADHD in adults? Judy Katz, a pediatric occupational therapist in Chicago, has not only worked with families to support the subtle yet complex lives of kids with sensory processing issues and ADHD for years, but she herself has ADHD—and she only recognized it in adulthood.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The ADHD Consulting Program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in this field.