Managers in any field or industry need to be helpful towards the mental health of employees. Healthcare managers who work also need be aware of their staffs mental needs. Nurses and other healthcare professionals need to be mentally sharp and aware and signs of mental depression or issues can be dangerous. Healthcare managers need to be aware of their staff’s overall morale and mental well being.

The article, “8 Ways Managers Can Support Employees’ Mental Health” by Kelly Greenwood and Natasha Krol look at how managers can help their employees. They state,
“As we navigate various transitions over the coming months and years, leaders are likely to see employees struggle with anxiety, depression, burnout, trauma, and PTSD. Those mental health experiences will differ according to race, economic opportunity, citizenship status, job type, parenting and caregiving responsibilities, and many other variables. So, what can managers and leaders do to support people as they face new stressors, safety concerns, and economic upheaval? Here’s our advice.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Manager Certification and see if it fits your academic and professional goals.