Parenting can be stressful. Parenting during the pandemic for many has been very frustrating beyond stress. Children not in school and the stress of not knowing when children will return to school has made working parents, also educating parents. This has not only led to stress but also frustration and anger. Parents have to learn to manage their stress and anger in more effective ways when dealing with their children during these more difficult pandemic times.

The article, “What Is ‘Mom Rage’? How To Manage Anger While Parenting In A Pandemic” by Erica Wollerman looks at the issue of Mom Rage and how it is affecting home life. She states,
“Mom rage is something that happens when you become so overwhelmed with parenting and emotions related to your child’s behavior, that you snap a bit. You might need to walk away from your child because you feel like you might yell at them. Or, you actually yell at them and lose your cool. Mom rage is not an excuse to be angry and take things out on your child.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.