Malpractice suites and claims from the plaintiff require in some states an expert affidavit. This may seem as an additional hurdle for a patient to move forward against a medical provider, but it is important to prevent false claims that can raise insurance costs. Many states require an expert affidavit. This is an important step is validating claims. It is not a huge hurdle but one that is common sense. Legal Nurse Consultants can play a role in this step of the malpractice case as well.

The article, “The Expert Affidavit Requirement in Medical Malpractice Cases” by Tatum O’Brien reviews this process and some of its implications, especially in North Dakota. He states,
“Litigating a medical malpractice case has many hurdles, one of which is the expert affidavit requirement. As part of medical malpractice “tort reform,” in addition to caps on damages and a short statute of limitations, many states have enacted laws also requiring an expert affidavit supporting the claim of malpractice.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review our Legal Nurse Consulting Program and see if it meets your needs. As a Legal Nurse Consultant, one can be play an important roles in approving affidavits. Expert witnesses and providers are key in any case, regarding of plaintiff or defendant.