There are a variety of depressions that set in. Not all are a result of a direct loss. Major Depressive order is an example of an on going cloud of sadness with no direct correlation to any loss. It can be chronic or acute. Another type of depression is Bi-Polar disorder which has highs or manic states and lows or depressive states. Some states are not as severe such as hypomania, which help distinguish between Bi Polar 1 or Bi Polar 2.
Bi-Polar disorder however is sometimes harder to pin point than other types of depression especially in teens due to natural ups and downs. It also leaves teens and those in their early 20s very confused why they are fine sometimes and not fine other times. It is very important to diagnose this disorder to help individuals find balance again in life.
The article, “Bipolar disorder” from Mayo Clinic gives an detail description of Bi Polar Disorder and helps educate individuals who feel they may have it and need help. It definitely a good place to start looking for information. The article states,
“Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often don’t recognize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones and don’t get the treatment they need. And if you’re like some people with bipolar disorder, you may enjoy the feelings of euphoria and cycles of being more productive. However, this euphoria is always followed by an emotional crash that can leave you depressed, worn out — and perhaps in financial, legal or relationship trouble.”
To read the entire article, please click here
It is hence important to find treatment for this difficult condition. So many relationships are ruined because of Bi Polar. A partner becomes confused by the flip flop personality and can find themselves one day on another’s good side then later their bad side. Having to deal with manic energy and desire to do things for a week only to be confused with depressive lack of energy the next can leave a partner confused and ready to even leave a relationship. The individual may also be confused and not fully understand.
In turn, they may look to spending binges, or even drugs and alcohol to help cope with depression or ride the mania. The individual may find themselves locked with a variety of financial issues, eating disorders or drug addictions due to the multiple swings in mood.

Like any type of depression with no true cause due to loss, some may wonder how or why someone is Bi Polar. Most is genetic. If a direct relative had it, then there is a good chance it was passed on to the child. Many though when reviewing family histories choose to hide mental disorders. So if grandma or grandpa had it, is sometimes harder to recall. Only those who lived with them will truly know if they were manic or depressed. With such a stigma, family histories sometimes cannot find the source.
If you think you may be Bi Polar, Mayo Clinic lists a few conditions during both Manic and Depressive episodes
Bi Polar 1 is diagnosed with at least one manic and depressive episode. Unlike Bi Polar 2, the mania is more severe and can lead to even psychosis. Within the mania period, one experiences more energy to the point of exaggeration. More wild thoughts and impulses may present themselves and lead for some into dangerous and risky activities via sex or drugs. One can also experience a state of invincibility and euphoria not tied to reality.
Unfortunately, while some may enjoy this phase and feel empowered, it is followed by a crash of depression. Like all depression, it can last 2 weeks or longer but also possesses the same characteristics of boredom, fatigue, disinterest, or insomnia.
If one is experiencing these issues of back and forth manic and depressive episodes it may be time to talk to a trained licensed professional. Grief Counselors who are licensed can help diagnose and find treatment through a doctor, but if only certified, if someone illustrates these characteristics, it is time to refer a client to someone that is licensed. Most grief counselors are certified but can only deal with basic grief to loss, but once grief becomes more insidious and pathological, it is important that those who are not licensed counselors help their clients receive the help they need through a licensed professional. Again, many certified Grief Counselors are also licensed Counselors and can supply the help needed on the spot but bear in mind, most cases of Bi Polar do require some type of pharmaceutical response. Physicians and Psychiatrists can provide the needed prescriptions to help individuals. Herbal remedies can also play a role in helping stabilize but should not never be utilized without first talking to your healthcare provider.

If you would like to learn more about Grief Counseling or would like to become a certified Grief Counselor, then please review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Grief Counselor.
Grief Counselors can play an important role in identifying pathological grief, and if licensed can provide even more assistance to those suffering from mental disorders such as Bi Polar Disorder.
Again you feel you are suffering from Bi Polar Disorder, do not wait for disaster in life, or continue to roll with the waves, but find the help you need to stabilize your life and the family around you.