The role of a Christian Counselor is twofold. On one hand, the counselor is a professional who must adhere to ethical standards of the field echoing the axion “do not harm”. On other the hand, the Christian counselor is called to bear witness to the faith. These ideals can collide when a counselor is also a clinical professional counselor working in the secular realm where personal bias and religious conviction are separated from the counseling process. While the divine mandate to preach to all nations is important, in professional settings, such religious proclamations are not only inappropriate but also counter productive. Showing Christian example in these cases are always better than words. As for the Christian Counselor, who may be licensed or non-licensed in counseling, the opportunity to express Christian doctrine is ethical because the client is seeking Christian answers for his/her issues in life. Of course, the Christian Counselor is still called to express empathy, love and non-judgement to those who express different gender or moral questions.
With this guideline in place, it is important for Christian Counselors or counselors who are Christian to have a better understanding regarding the conflict between Christianity and the role of gender ideology and oppression. Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification.
Christianity and Oppression
The Church is divinely founded institution by Jesus Christ but made for human beings Human beings are imperfect and hence subject to corruption. The Church while divinely inspired via the Holy Spirit still makes mistakes because of its human element. These mistakes are highlighted throughout history through the numerous atrocities made in the name of Christ through discrimination, persecution and war. It is unfair to say Christianity is the sole religion to be hijacked by fanatics and misused. Throughout history, human beings have used religion as a way a propaganda tool for horrendous things, but does this dismiss the faith itself? Humanity would find new vehicles to promote hate and war if faith ceased to exist. An atheistic world would find ways promote different groups against one or the other. Still, those who wish to divide, hate and control misuse religion. Christianity itself has been utilized for evil ends never intended by Christ Himself.

Jesus Christ came to free the oppressed, namely every soul under the oppression of Satan and the sin of Adam. Christianity within its founding is non-oppression creed that looks to find equality within Christ. St Paul states that whether Gentile or Jew, slave or free, male or female we are all equal and one under Christ (Gal;3:28). Yet despite this, evil men and women have corrupted the faith throughout the centuries and caused great pain and suffering to various oppressed groups throughout Europe. In turn, Christianity as the major cultural identifying and unifying force of Europe became an instrument and tool to imprison and enslave the world under the promise of saving souls. Numerous European nations, used faith as a justification to subjugate Africa, the Americas and Asia. While the sweet gift of Christ was awarded to many individuals and spiritual salvation was found, the enormous cultural and ethnic raping of other civilizations created the third world that we know today. European pride, colonization and imperialism became associated with Christianity for many others.
It is important as counselors within the Christian tradition to understand this historical reality. Christianity is seen by many diverse groups as an oppressor due to its affiliation with Christian nations of Europe and also Christian missionaries who behaved like colonizing agents of change instead of messengers of the Gospel. This is not to dismiss the great work of many missionaries in both Protestant and Catholic traditions. Many good people spread the Gospel. Many saw the equality of all cultures and their beauty while trying to share Christ, but many also looked to Europeanize and destroy the indigenous culture. These scars and hatreds against the Church are real.
So while as a faith, Christianity is non-oppressive, in action, imperfect human beings have utilized it as an oppressive agent within Europe and across the world. Jesus Christ, Himself, would spew these bad examples of faith, as He did the numerous Pharisees of His time, but this sometimes brings little comfort to those who have faced oppression through the Church. As a Christian Counselor, one must understand that Christianity is seen to many as the “common enemy” and not be naive to think everyone sees the face of a Christian as an inspiration, especially in counseling.
Oppression Ideologies
Oppression is real in the world and to deny it because one has not seen it is a grave error. While many Christians, especially those of European descent, may exist in a bubble of the perfect world, many other Christians and non-Christians alike in different cultures experience oppression and racism daily. Whether at the micro-level, or at higher levels, individuals suffer numerous slights and injustices. These potential clients also bring to the counseling room these injustices and Christian Counselors or merely counselors who are Christian must be aware of their target populations and the injustices associated with them.
Approaches to facing oppression exist within and without Christianity. Liberation Theology in Latin America is a critical theory that combines Christian values with Marxist ideologies. Karl Marx, the social philosopher and Father of Socialism taught that there is a clash between the classes. Between the haves and have nots, there has also existed class warfare, whether slaves and owners, serfs and lords, or workers and labor barons. Different names and times but the same class war has always existed, according to Marx. Liberation occurs when the masses take control and find justice through constant revolution. Liberation Theology took a critical look at the Church and its structure as a hierarchal structure of class between clergy and the people. This of course also analyzed the role of women as an oppressed group within the faith and the power of the clergy within the faith. As a Jesuit Catholic theory, it questioned the power of the papacy and hierarchy, as well as questions regarding women priesthood.

Ultimately, the outgroup or group that suffered discrimination looks to find a seat at the table. Ways to address these issues are found usually in two common theories, the Common Humanity Theory or the Common Enemy Theory. Those under the umbrella of the Common Humanity school look to rectify social injustice and inequality by denouncing differences and injustices and condemning inequality and seek to emphasize that all human beings are equal in dignity. Humanity must work together to resolve past injustices and eliminate present examples of racism or oppression. Common Humanity approaches embrace solidarity and the common human solution. In contrast, Common Enemy, focuses more on the oppressor. It searches to eliminate racism and oppression by turning on past oppressors or institutions and weakening their power. In many ways, the ideology looks to burn it all down. It is more Marxist in thought and identifies the “other” more so than the common. Hence those associated with the oppressing past through no fault of their own must be educated and balance must be restored through recognition of division.
There is good from both ideologies and usually a mixed approach is best. Common Humanity can sometimes dismiss differences which are important to understanding oppression but also the diversity within humanity. While it embraces a beautiful Christian concept that we are all children of God and one people, it over generalizes and can dismiss how these differences are real and important while still attempting to eliminate oppression. It can sometimes belittle past injustices and only wish to push forward. Common Enemy obviously is more destructive and dividing with its Marxist ideology. It can make progress difficult because it looks to divide between the haves and have nots and punish those who are descendants of the oppressing group. It essence it can seek to attribute punishment on the descendants of the past oppressive group. This ultimately turns the past oppressor into a new outgroup that faces its own discrimination. Christianity and white males face discrimination for white privilege or Christian morality that finds some acts immoral. Personal belief becomes bigotry and this is wrong.
A mixed road acknowledges common humanity and how everyone must work together to eliminate oppression but this mixed road also accepts the past wrongs and histories and acknowledges privilege in a non-hostile fashion. The common road recognizes the past but also works towards a common future while identifying the beauty of diversity. In the world today, we see protestors demanding the churches be torn down, or statues defaced, or absurd reparations for actions hundreds of years ago, while we also see individuals ignoring history , their own privilege and blessings because of their race or ethnicity, or not willing to offer fair compensation to certain cultures such as Native Americans or oppressed African Americans.
Dealing with Gender Based Ideologies in Christian Counseling
With these important guidelines have been set, one must carefully identify the pain of gender based groups that include women, homosexuals and transgenders. In counseling, many Christians who counsel or in fact perform Christian Counseling services may come across the marginalized within these groups. It is critical within our purpose to present a mixed approach that recognizes the pain of these groups, the wrongs of the Church but also a presentation that defends the integrity of Christ’s original message. This unfortunately, while condemning oppression, lead to extremely different moral outcomes that need to be mutually respected by both sides. Unfortunately, as an ex oppressing group, many Christians are not given this common and mutual respect of disagreement and can be labeled as medieval, prejudice or misogynistic. In order for true freedom to exist, Christian morality cannot become the newly oppressed. Yet, if the counselor, one must sometimes withhold personal opinions or beliefs, or if within Christian Counseling itself, withhold anger or judgement against an an angry client or one who professes a different life style. In counseling, empathy and healing is the desired result and the client is also a patient in which one must do no harm.
Women have unjustly been discriminated throughout human history. Women have been seen as the weaker sex due to physical limitations. Various gender roles have attempted according to different cultures to place women in certain stations instead of validating individualism. Different cultures have different disparities of gender based oppression (Pedersen, 2018, p. 211). Many men have experienced a privilege based on the group they belong to and not based on what they have done or not done (Pedersen, 2018, p. 211). Hence women have been held back in many social spheres in religion, politics, work and the family. Women who are of a certain ethnic minority suffer a second oppression as well. This is referred to as double minority status (Pederson, 2018, p.214).
The feminist moment in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries looked to alter the oppression faced by women. It sought to remove the illusion of male superiority over females based on merely biological appearances. From a Christian perspective, movement within itself embraced the idea that God created both male and female and that all under Christ are one. Its success led to multiple triumphs in woman rights including the right to vote, as well as the appearance of women participating in politics and governance. While opening women to the work force, there still exists unequal pay barriers as well as natural prejudices that exist within social norms of Western civilization. While women have made great leaps in gaining equal treatment in society, there still exists numerous prejudices and inequalities. These issues are common problems for many women in counseling sessions and counselors need to address these issues and also advocate. This is especially the case in rape and domestic abuse which is a critical issue for women world wide.

Yet, despite these great advances, the Church finds itself at odds with many Feminist ideologies. Some denominations pending on their level of conservative values have less friction than others but for the most part, radical feminist ideologies remain in contrast to the Christian faith. Working from least to most controversial, the role of women within the Church has greatly changed since the 1960s. Women are more seen in the Church in regards to liturgical presence than ever before. In Protestant denominations, many women serve as ministers or even bishops. In Catholicism and Orthodoxy, while the priesthood remains for males only, women now participate in liturgical services as lectors, servers, and eucharistic ministers. Permitting this has laid to rest many class/gender war ideologies within the Church but still many within the Catholic and Orthodox Churches see the theological dogma of a male only priesthood as a class struggle as identified in Liberation Theology instead of a moral absolute.
However, radical feminism has pushed into other areas there is little debate within Christian morality. Feminism pushed for a less constrained morality of the female body. Radical feminism, not true feminism, assaulted the role of husband and wife within the Sacrament of Marriage, the nature of the conjugal or sexual act, as well as attacking the rights of the unborn child. Ironically, early feminist movements condemned birth control and abortion as ways males escaped accountability. Recent radicalism has seen it as autonomy of the woman over male restrictions. All of these cases of oppression whether it is state of a woman’s role within the Church to sexual rights have disguised these questions about oppression. Radical groups have taken issues of oppression into issues of faith and morals. The radical movements look to not seek relief from oppression but looks to alter the institution and the morality of Christianity- and turn any Christian, male or female, who opposes it as an oppressor and bigot. Unfortunately, movements against oppression, or least some parts of it, can become radicalized and seek to cause damage and turn those who profess the faith as the newly oppressed.
Still, as Christian Counselors, we need to identify and show empathy with women who face true discrimination issues but also show patience with those who become angry with the Church and its morality. Those who are secular counselors must learn to balance profession and faith and attempt to focus more so on the issues female clients face without further angering or enraging them but instead listening and understanding the pain they experience as women in an unfair world and when appropriate showing action on their behalf.
One group that has faced extreme oppression are those who express different forms of sexual orientation or preferences. The LGBTQ movement has looked to cause awareness regarding the plight and suffering of these marginalized groups. Obviously the dominant group and socially accepted is the hetero-sexual community which makes up most sexual orientations. Those with hetero-sexual inclinations are seen as “normal” and experience far less bias and social hate. Heterosexism is the belief that any sexual relationship that is not between a man or woman is not normal and inferior (Pederson, 2018, p. 221). In addition, Homosexuals have been targeted throughout history with hate crimes and club shootings solely based on their sexual orientation. Only since the 1990s have stigmas of social outcasts been removed and the right to marry and other legal statuses granted, yet, hate still permeates under the cracks of society and this marginalized group still faces discrimination, jokes, hate and violent crimes.
Of course, this type of oppression is condemned by Christianity and Christ commands to love one’s neighbor. While Christianity continues to recognize the homosexual act as unnatural and sinful, the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out that the feelings and the urges themselves are not sin but a result of one’s broken nature, like any impure thoughts, they are to dismissed. The catechism also calls for those with this un-natural inclinations to live a life of purity and prayer. The Church forbids any hatred to the person who expresses this life style but condemns the action itself. Radical movements would label this as oppression but the Church and most of Christianity holds a moral absolute principle. It in no way seeks to restrict homosexuals in public and secular life but holds them accountable if they wish to confess the Christian creed. Restrictions within the faith are not oppressions. Christians are restricted from many moral acts, homosexuality is just one of many and if one wishes to follow Christ, one must take up one’s cross and follow the commandments.

Christian Counselors are ethically held to show nothing but love and empathy for any homosexual clients and must while highlighting the moral truths of the faith show patience and non judgement. In addition, ideas such as conversion therapy can be very dangerous to the mental health of homosexuals who come to Christian Counseling. Many who wish to live chaste lives struggle and to ignore or pretend the emotions are not real can cause intense mental damage. Every moral temptation, for whichever vice in life, needs to be acknowledged, understood and coped with as a cross in life. Attempting to make a person who is homosexual to heterosexual in terms of what they find attractive is something beyond mere wishing or desiring but a true feeling that needs to be discussed. When this feeling is cast aside as dirty or evil or fake, then this can leave a person in a very dark place. As for those Christians in secular counseling, the counselor must restrain their own bias and look to help the client despite any moral disagreements. In cases of extreme distress in counseling between counselor and client, a mutual agreement can be made for reference to another counselor but this to must be done with the utmost professionalism and concern for the well being of the patient. It is unethical to abandon any client due to moral differences.
In addition to homosexuality within the LGBTQ movement are transgenders who identify as a different sex and gender than biologically born as. Pederson points out that transphobia ranges from fear, disgust as well as hatred towards those who alter their gender or cross dress (2018, p.215). Transgender people have faced sharp ridicule and are also victim to many hate crimes, as well as discrimination. Pedersen labels those of one gender as possessing cisgender privilege without the discrimination faced by the transgender community (2018, p.215). Pederson lists various definitions of sex, gender, gender identity and gender role. He states sex is the biological traits that determine a male or female, while gender is defined as learned behavior or social construct that influences gender and its role (2018, p. 210). Gender identity, according to Pedersen, is the perception of one’s own gender as a man, woman, boy, girl, non-gendered, bigendered, or transgender (2018, p. 210).
As a counselor, those facing transgender issues or homosexuality issues face other issues beyond discrimination but a variety of conflicts within. Many experience high levels of depression, anxiety, low self esteem and abandonment. Families and friends can abandon them leaving them without support and leaving them in total isolation.. In addition, many may experience suicidal ideation. The conflict of who I feel I am and what I was born or what my faith states can cause great internal torment. Many may feel guilt or shame or become obsessed with radical alterations.
While gender roles play a part in social norms of society of how a boy or girl acts, it is important to note that certain gender roles can be constrictive to expression of individuals and sometimes within themselves harmful to emotional outlets. For instance, men should never cry, or women are meant to stay at home, or boys should play with trucks and girls with dolls are prominent in society. These are social norms, but when individuals look to express their individuality, then these norms can be dangerous, however, what about when they constrict gender discovery? Christian Counseling does not find the Pederson definitions as binding. Christian Counseling conforms with a conservative psychology perspective that transgenderism is a dysphoria from reality vs the current mainstream definition. With only main stream protocol currently accepted, counselors are encouraged to help clients identify and associate with the self that best fits and to find support and groups that affirm one’s feelings. Because of this , within the modern era for Christian Counselors, it has become the unfavorable statement albeit the most obvious that something is mentally wrong . Yet due to the highly flammable and emotional state, only the most highly trained counselor should attempt to discuss these issues since the person is already extremely distressed. When treating a transgender person, a counselor must approach it very carefully to protect the client against suicide and to not only discuss the external oppressions but also the internal anguish of conflict that exists within the person and how to properly cope and address these intense feelings in a healthy way. This is why in secular counseling, a counselor must leave personal bias aside and address the symptoms.
While oppression exists within these communities and it must be acknowledged and addressed by counselors, there is a deeper issue and more dividing issue when radical forces attempt to challenge Christian morality. In Genesis, God created them both male and female. In Christianity, one’s gender is more than one’s biological shell but an intimate part of the human person tying together the body, mind and soul. In St. Pope John Paul II sermons ranging from 1978 to 1984 regarding the human body, formerly referred to as the Theology of the Body, John Paul II paints a beautiful image of the journey of the body and soul throughout life and its continued existence in the glorified body after the General Resurrection. Hence the body and its gender plays a large role in the total person, body, mind and soul, not just the body itself. Of course, other religious traditions place less emphasis on the body but for the Christian Counselor, ones sexuality and essence are closely tied together through the creation of God. This can lead to issues of moral disagreement between the transgender community as well as the Christian community. The radical movement will label Christian morality regarding transgenderism as oppression while the Christian community will label it merely as a sin and choice that is rejected. This does not mean the Christian community wishes to oppress, but it looks to make a moral statement on a moral issue that best fits its own moral code. In many cases, the Christian community can then become oppressed like the transgender community because of non Christian values that see it as prejudice or oppressive.
As counselors, one must do no harm and perform according to the standard in helping someone with this diagnosis. It is important to acknowledge their oppression and the hate that exists against them, but many would say not to confront it but to merely show empathy and help the person find happiness. In a secular counseling session, this may be the best course of action. However, within the Christian Counseling setting, again, one is more free to discuss gender dysphoria, as well as the scriptural elements of gender, especially since the client is asking for Christian guidance. Christian Counseling is able to escape the restrictions of secular limitations when discussing immorality.
Multicultural counseling with groups who experience oppression require sensitive approaches that acknowledge oppression an advocate for social justice. Approaches that utilize Common Humanity and Common Enemy are best utilized as a combination to solve the oppression issues within the world. Christianity unfortunately has been misused by evil individuals throughout the centuries to perpetrate oppression. Sometimes, Due to religious and moral differences, attempts can be made to label Christians as bigots, when in reality they are merely holding to a belief.

In addition, gender and choice of sexuality continues to be a difficult issue addressed in counseling for counselors who are Christian, as well as those who provide Christian Counseling to those targeted groups. Differences in faith and moral choices can be a conflict for a counselor, especially within transgender ideology. Counselors nonetheless are held to hold to the axiom of do no harm and treat each patient with empathy and non judgement. Christian Counselors have more freedom than secular counselors but while able to address morality still must show love and not abandon their client. Any issue of oppression is evil and must be rectified. The groups discussed are targeted for gender or sexuality and this is wrong within a secular society. Some of the movements answered great injustices while other aspects of it became radicalized. Be careful not to over generalize. From a Christian perspective, it is OK to disagree with certain parts but still agree on others. Believing something is a sin or wrong does not make someone a bigot. However, when one seeks to oppress or hate another group, then one commits an even greater sin of hate. Between alt left groups who wish to catalogue believing Christians as bigots regarding gender morality and alt right groups hoping to ignore history and hate the person but not the sin, little dialogue can occur. Believing Christians and social progressives can find common ground by respecting each other and finding commonality. Ultimately, Christ calls all to love one another. Christ alone judges.
Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Christian Counselor.
Pedersen, P, et, al. “Counseling Across Cultures” (7th). Sage.
Additional Resources
Keathley, K. (2024). “Thinking Biblically about Transgenderism: A Biblical Response to Current Trends”. Center for Faith and Culture. Access here
Lynn, S. (2019). “How should Christians respond to those experiencing gender dysphoria?”. Christian Post. Access here
“Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People” APA. Access here
“Transgender: Ensuring Mental Health” Cleveland Clinic. Access here
“Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights” (2022). United Nations. Access here
“The 11 biggest hurdles for women’s equality by 2030”. (2023). UNwomen. Access here
Hancock, K. (2006). “APA’s Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients: The Fundamentals for Practice”. APA. Access here
Hays, D. et, al. (2007). “Addressing Privilege and Oppression in Counselor Training and Practice: A Qualitative Analysis” . Journal of Counseling & Development ■ Summer 2007 ■ Volume 85. Access here