Religious Decline Video

Religious decline is tied to its own internal struggles of organized religion as well as external sources.

Within religious institutions, a lack of trust exists.  Abuse and scandals, as well as financial manipulation have pushed many away from organized religion.  In addition, many individuals see more spiritual connections and dislike the dogmatic codes of a more social religion.

Externally, religion has been at odds with secularism and atheism for over 3 centuries since the modern era. Humanistic, evolutionary, and secular morals have become stronger and stronger.  The appeal of moral freedom from a dogmatic code, coupled with internal strife of institutions has created a spiritual decline at the start of the 21st Century.  No doubt, the faith has always risen and fallen over periods, with ages of corruption and reform, but religion itself finds itself in decline, especially in the Western world.

Will a pride in religious culture, help awaken the faith? Will reforms against abuses and extremism help attract people back to the faith?  Time will tell but as we exist today in the first part of the 21st Century, we are definitely experiencing a time of decline awaiting a reform and spiritual awakening in Christ.

Please also review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Training Program.  Christian Counselors can play a role in re-lighting the flame for Christ in the world with one person at a time.