EFT Can Help Men with Emotion

EFT is effective for numerous issues people face.  Whether stored trauma or phobias, like many alternative therapies, EFT is able to help one find closure and healing.   For men, EFT can be an effective tool for unlocking a variety of emotional blocks men may feel in their social life.  EFT can help men become more open to emotions and also express themselves better.  EFT is an exceptional tool for a variety of emotional issues.   EFT can help men not only deal with trauma but also deal with emotional issues in relationships as well as sexual conditions due to mental blocks.

It is important for men not to close themselves off to their emotions due to social restraints.  Many men find it to be a sign of weakness but ultimately hiding emotion causes more damage to oneself and any relationship.  Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner Certification

EFT can open many emotional outlets. Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner Certification


The article, “5 Reasons Why EFT Can Be a Powerful Therapy Option for Men” by Marie Miguel looks at a variety of ways EFT can help men emotionally.  Miguel reveals that EFT can help with many men in expressing their emotions more and confronting stored feelings.  She also relates that EFT can overall help many men with their relationships/  She states,

“If you tend to avoid your feelings, EFT can be a hugely helpful tool in opening up and enhancing your emotional connection with people in your life. Oftentimes, our inability to face unpleasant emotions just kicks the can down the road. It makes us feel less mentally healthy in the long-run and results in us being unable to meet our own needs or the needs of others.”

“5 Reasons Why EFT Can Be a Powerful Therapy Option for Men”. Marie Miguel. August 25th, 2022. The Good Men Project.

To read the entire article, please click here


In review, The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is a psychotherapeutic approach which utilizes modalities of cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. The technique involves the utilization of acupressure points along the body’s energy meridians in order to restore balance within the endocrine system and reestablish emotional equilibrium. By releasing blockages in the energy system, it is thought that emotional distress can be ameliorated through this technique.

Society pushes many visions of men having to hide emotion. EFT can help men cope and experience emotion to prevent improper coping later in life.


EFT can be very beneficial for men.  Many men are more closed with emotion.  The stoic ideal of a man not crying or hiding his emotions is closely correlated with modern social views of what it is to be masculine.  Emotional release, tears or coming into contact with feelings is seen as a sign of weakness.  This is farther from the truth

The phenomenon of men concealing emotion can be explained through an analysis of the socialization process, particularly in terms of gender roles. Patriarchal societies often promote male stoicism and self-control, which serves to reinforce a socially constructed binary between femininity and masculinity. As such, men are conditioned to exhibit traditional masculine traits, such as emotional detachment and a tendency to suppress one’s own emotions in favor of exhibiting strength and independence.  Studies have shown that traditional gender roles often confine men to roles of stoicism, toughness, and emotional detachment which can lead to a disconnect between their personal feelings and outward expressions. The fear of being judged for displaying emotion or appearing weak may lead men to suppress those feelings in order to maintain their sense of masculinity.
Ultimately, men need to become more in tune with their emotions and express them for a more mentally healthful life.   In order to process trauma, or loss, it is important for any human being to express and understand one’s feelings.  This is no different for males.
EFT and Expression of Emotion
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has been demonstrated to be a useful modality for aiding men in the expression of their emotions. Through its implementation, EFT can assist men in developing healthier emotional regulation strategies and gain an understanding of the interplay between their physical and psychological states. This technique involves tapping on acupressure points while verbalizing or thinking about a particular problem or issue, which has been seen to stimulate the body’s natural healing energies.
Through its implementation, EFT can assist men in developing healthier emotional regulation strategies and gain an understanding of the interplay between their physical and psychological states. This technique involves tapping on acupressure points while verbalizing or thinking about a particular problem or issue, which has been seen to stimulate the body’s natural healing energies.
In conclusion, Emotional Freedom Technique can be an invaluable tool for men to access and manage their emotions. The technique has been used successfully for many years, helping people of all genders to identify and cope with difficult emotions. While it’s important for anyone, particularly men, to recognize their feelings and work through them in safe ways, Emotional Freedom Technique offers a powerful alternative that is effective, efficient and non-invasive.  For some men, this is also a benefit since EFT can be practiced in the privacy of one’s own home.
EFT Practitioners can help many men process emotion and trauma through use of EFT.
Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in EFT.  After completion of the required core courses and practicum one can apply for a four year certification in EFT.  As a certified EFT Practitioner one can train others to utilize self EFT on themselves as well as work others on a continual basis in processing past pain, guilt and trauma.  Men, especially, should take advantage of the many benefits of EFT in the process of emotion.
Additional Resources
“What is EFT Tapping?”. EFT International. Access here
“Veterans Administration Approves EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Treatment”. Dawson Church. October 17th, 2017.  HuffPost.  Access here

“Becoming Whole Men”. Steven Kessler, MFT,  EFT Expert & Trainer. 1996. EFT Therapy Center.  Access here

“Effectiveness of EFT for depressed couples”. Mitchell Olson, MA LPCC. October 16th, 2019.  Mindfully Healing.  Access here