Grief Counseling Certification Blog on Certified Grief Counselors

Everyone experiences loss.  It is part of human existence to lose.  One of the scariest realities is that no matter how happy we may one day be, what we have will one day be taken.   Any family member we love, will one day die, or any object we cherish, we can one day lose or have it stolen.  This is the precarious situation of life itself.  Understanding loss and how we adjust to it is hence very important.   Loss is the price of love and attachment hence grief is unavoidable.  Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification Program

A certified grief counselor can help with basic loss. Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification


Individuals eventually need help with coping over loss.  Some individuals experience greater loss than others and turn to help.  Certified grief counselors can help with basic loss and licensed counselors can offer more indepth help for complications in grief.   Grief Support groups can also help aide for those seeking answers to the mystery of love and loss.

The article, “Turning to Grief Counseling When You Need Help” by Melissa Porrey looks at how grief counselors can help with a variety of grief issues.  She states,

“If you are unsure whether you are experiencing grief or finding it challenging to work through bereavement, grief counseling can offer support and helpful ways to bring meaning to the loss and allow you to move forward through your grief.  This article will define grief, provide an overview of grief counseling, and offer ways to find a grief therapist.”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you are looking to help individuals with grief you can also play a role.  Certified grief counselors are professionals in health and mental health fields.  Some are in ministry, or social services.   While not all grief counselors are licensed counselors, many can help with the basics of loss.  AIHCP offers a four year certification in Grief Counseling.  The Grief Counseling Certification is online and independent study and open to those qualified professionals.  Please review and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.