Teaching children how to cope with anger and emotion is a key parental responsibility. It is critical to help children cope and control anger to avoid future social issues. Children who are allowed to entertain anger without restraint will end up in prison. Hence parents need to learn and take a proactive role in guiding their children. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Program

The article, “How to Raise Kids Who Are Good at Getting Angry” by Catherine Pearson discusses how to help children better cope through the emotion of anger. She states,
“When it comes to kids and anger, it can help to remember a few simple facts: First, anger is a basic human emotion. And second, emotions exist to tell us about ourselves and our relationships, explained Dave Anderson, a clinical psychologist and vice president of school and community programs at the Child Mind Institute, a nonprofit that provides therapy to children and families. Emotions can help us to answer basic questions: What would we like more of? What would we like to stop?”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Program
The program is online and independent study and is open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management Program