A very large stressor is children. Parents deal with stress of their children and adult children their whole lives. Different ages and different times present different and unique challenges in parenting, but overall, the stress of having children and raising them is a challenge. Parents need to learn how to cope with stress and juggle the issues of parenting with their own life to stay afloat in life. This can be a difficult endeavor. Many parents need to better organize, prepare and react to the stress children can play upon it. Ultimately in the end, the hard work and long hours can pay off to a successful child rearing.
Stress Management techniques can also help parents better cope with stress. This includes time management, time alone, meditation, and having a strong support system to rely upon. Unfortunately for those parents without a support system, coping can be even more difficult and hence time management and meditation can play huge roles.

The article, “Here’s How to Navigate Parenting Stress” by Madeline Brown takes a closer look at managing stress associated with parenting. In the article, she lists the primary causes of parent stress and how to identify it. She also lists on ways to better cope and find the necessary assistance. She states,
“Stress is a poor boundary keeper. Work stress doesn’t stay confined to the office. Financial worries don’t magically go away when your child is sick and sleepless. The parenting journey is naturally peppered with seasons of heightened stress and worry — from the sleepless newborn stage to the teenage rebellion years and beyond. A list of what doesn’t cause parenting stress might be shorter. Nevertheless, these are common factors that can make parenting stress worse:”
“Here’s How to Navigate Parenting Stress”. Madeline Brown. January 6th, 2022. Psych Central.
To read the entire article, please click here
Parenting will always be stressful but it is also rewarding. Parents can learn to balance what is merely an annoyance with what truly should concern their time. Many parental stressors are minor daily things or small accidents. Depending on the age, children will spill, or teens will have a bad grade, but these are parts of natural growth in life. Parents need to be able to categorize these things and understand when to be angry, stressed, or just fix the situation. Parents also need to know how to categorize short term and long term needs of children and what focus to give certain tasks priority over.
It does not help that many parents have other issues as well. Many issues from work, or relationships can emerge and make it harder to handle the work at home. Tasks and chores can pile up, especially for parents without much assistance. This can only begin to bury the parent in more responsibilities. To shave off some of these issues, time management is critically important for any parent as well as schedules for their child of any age.
When small issues become larger issues is when the true stress of parenting can emerge. Bad behavior, drugs, or problems with the law are all possibilities. These types of stressors cannot be simply brushed to the side and must be dealt with. It is important to know when a stressor is a legitimate issue which is going to demand the parent’s time and abilities. Other stressors can include finances, school costs, care cost, and other care giving responsibilities. Many parents stay up late at night thinking how they will better care for and afford their child or children’s needs. It can be quite frightful but through management and structure, one can find a way to the goal line in raising a productive young adult.
But if you think parenting ends at 18, then you are in for a surprise. Parentings adult children also comes with many stresses. Parents can worry about the success of their children, career options, or college success. Adult children who never grow up can be a constant stress on parents in their older years.
It is important for parents of any age to always look towards self care. Self care involves being able to look at oneself and ensure physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are met. It may seem like there is no time for this, but it is important to try to find the time. Whether its a half hour of meditation a day, or having counseling or a massage, it is critical to find the self care. Burnout can occur in anything and parenting is no exception. Dealing with burnout properly and finding the support and help one needs is critical for the entirety of the family. This is again why self care is so important.
Obviously beyond the self care, parenting should also be viewed not as only stressful but also rewarding. Enjoying time with your children and doing exciting things can rewrite the narrative that is always a job but also a beautiful vocation of sharing love.
Parenting is the toughest job on the planet. It does not come with a manual or instructions but involves giving one’s entire self, both heart and soul into ensuring the welfare and success of the child. In its very nature, parenting is stressful but levels of stress can be managed by assorting what is merely daily to what is an immediate issue. At whatever age, try to enjoy the ride and let one’s love of their child or children dictate the pace but remember, self care is always important and parents sometimes need a break too.
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Stress Management Consultant.
Additional Resources
“Parenting stress: What causes it, and how does it change us?”. 2020 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D, Parenting Science. Access here
“Parental Stress is Key Contributor to Development of Children’s Mental Illness”. Krystal Jagoo. January 11th, 2022. Verywellmind. Access here
“4 Tips for Managing Parenting Stress”. Erlanger A. Turner Ph.D. June 24th, 2013. Psychology Today. Access here
“Parental Burnout and Stress”. Psychology Today Staff. Psychology Today. Access here