Steps are the newest gimmick in regulating how healthy one is. How many step apps are on phones and help engage and challenge the person to walk so many steps a day. 10k was one of the first goals, but how many steps a day do you really need?

The article, “The Last Word: Do You Really Need to Take 10,000 Steps a Day?” by Lauren Bedosky takes a closer look at how many steps are needed to be healthy and what one should aim for. She states,
“The origin of this standard is a little murky. But researchers believe the number can be traced back to 1965, when a Japanese company made a pedometer named Manpo-kei,or “10,000 steps meter” in English. As Shawn Arent, PhD, CSCS, professor and chair of the department of exercise science and director of the sport and science lab at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, explains, the rationale behind 10,000 steps was more about marketing than science.”
To read the entire article, please click here
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