Anger for many is not justified. Instead it is an unjust reaction to things where one turns to violence. This type of anger fuels an angry society with multiple shootings, riots, and domestic disputes. Those who lack empathy may also be more tied to unjust angry outbursts. Empathy helps one understand another but without it, one can selfishly resort to anger.

The article, “The Relationship Between Empathy and Anger Is Complicated” by Bernard Golden looks at the relationship between anger and empathy. He states.,
“Our capacity to empathize with others is further enhanced by our resilience to truly acknowledge our own pain. When we avoid acknowledging our own pain, we become blind to it in others. Such acknowledgment further supports the compassion with others that can powerfully curb anger arousal.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCPs’ Anger Management Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management