Frustration and anger can emerge even when we are doing something we like. Hobbies are not immune to anger and rage outbursts especially if we are not performing to optimal standards. Golf is one such example of a game where anger can erupt. Below are some tips to control anger, not just for golf, but for life itself.

The article, “When anger goes too far: 10 rules for avoiding an on-course blowup” by Shane Ryan looks at how to control your emotions while on the course. He states,
“Assuming you’re not a living saint and have not attained nirvana, you should accept the fact that anger is going to bubble up on the golf course if you care about the state of your game. It’s a natural emotion, and it needs an outlet. Keeping anger to yourself only allows it to fester and results in bigger blow-ups down the line. So by all means, if you hit a bad shot, chastise yourself, swear if you’re in safe company, and bemoan the gods. But keep it to five seconds—after that, let it go, and let it go for good.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Applying basic anger management to even golf itself can help one find more calm and reduce temper tantrums in life itself. How one behaves in any environment in regards to anger translates to a larger issue than a mere game but an issue of self control.
Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program in online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Anger Management