Mind body and soul is a key element in health. When working out and exercising, we usually just think about the physical benefits but there are multiple benefits, especially if we incorporate meditation into working out. Meditation can enhance a work out and make it more focused as well. Taking time to mediate before a workout can help one be more focused and fresh. It can make the body more relaxed and loose to be able to perform the exercise with less chance of injury. For those who wish to utilize meditation after a workout, one can utilize it as an excellent way to cool down the body and allow the body to recover and reap the benefits of the workout itself.

The article, “How Meditating Can Transform Your Workout, According To Experts” by Jay Polish looks at how meditation can help with exercising. The article takes an indepth look at how meditation in coordination with exercise can help one achieve a superior workout. Whether right before, during or even after, Polish, remarks that meditation can help one meet their goals at a higher level. He states,
“Right before and even during your workout, you can use other meditation techniques like visualization to focus on bodily sensations. How will the kettlebell feel in my fingers? What will my feet feel like hitting the pavement up that last hill toward the end of my run? What will the weights clanking all around the gym sound like? What will the air smell like as I’m finally reaching my finish line? Imagining all of that isn’t quite the “clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions” type of meditating, but it is a powerful type of mindfulness that can get you in the zone. ”
“How Meditating Can Transform Your Workout, According To Experts”. Jay Polish. September 30th, 2021. Bustle.
To read the entire article, please click here
Meditation can hence play a key role in exercise and should be used in coordination with it. Meditation Instructors, Life Coaches and Physical Trainers can help one find a plan to better incorporate meditation into one’s routine.
Understanding Meditation’s Role with Exercise
Meditation and exercise when combined create a synergistic effect that has been widely studied and documented. This is due to the physiological mechanisms that occur when the two are practiced simultaneously, which can be attributed to the increased levels of dopamine and serotonin released during both activities. The effect of this heightened level of neurotransmitters is an alteration in cognitive state, which leads to improved emotional regulation, stress reduction, enhanced focus and concentration, as well as an overall increase in physical and psychological wellbeing. The integration of both activities contributes to an increase in self-regulation, cognitive flexibility, and optimal physical functioning. Furthermore, these activities are associated with improved physiological outcomes, such as reduced stress levels, enhanced immune system functioning, and improved sleep patterns.
Meditation before exercise is a practice that may be beneficial in enhancing the efficacy of both physical and mental exertion. This technique has been well-documented to optimize pre-exercise preparation by cultivating psychological states associated with concentration, focus, and relaxation. These psychological states can lead to improved performance, as well as decreased levels of perceived exertion during exercise.

For those who prefer to meditate after exercise can also receive multiple benefits. Meditation after exercise can be seen as an effective strategy to optimize the physiological and psychological benefits of exercise. This practice has been empirically demonstrated to positively influence cardiovascular activity, reduce stress, and improve mood. The integration of meditation within a post-exercise regimen facilitates the development of a mindful awareness which further enhances physiological homeostasis and encourages positive affective states.
Types of Meditation to Pair with Exercise
The pairing of these two activities can be seen as an example of a synergistic relationship, in which the combination produces an effect greater than either activity would have done on its own. There are various types of meditation that can be incorporated with exercise, such as mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, and loving-kindness meditation.
In conclusion, meditation with exercise is an effective way to improve mental and physical health. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving focus, concentration, and resilience. The combination of meditation and exercise has also been found to increase cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, aid in weight management, and improve overall quality of life. With regular practice, this practice can help individuals increase their wellbeing and live healthier lives.
Meditation Instructors can also help one formulate the best meditation plans to incorporate with one’s exercise plans to achieve optimal success both physically and mentally. Whether before or after, or even both, meditation can help one achieve better results and better state of mind with exercise. Many studies have shown that this combination can produce these positive results.
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification. AIHCP also offers programs in Healthcare Life Coaching as well as Stress Management Consulting. All of these programs are aimed a more holistic approach to health that targets physical, mental and spiritual health. Again, please review the programs and see if they match your academic and professional goals.
Additional Resources
“How to Meditate through Exercise”. Laurie Cameron. May 16th, 2018. Mindful. Access here
“Changing Your Mind About Fitness: The Benefits of Meditation on Exercise”. Cathleen Kronemer. March 1st, 2019. National Federation of Trainers. Access here
“An Exercise-Meditation Smackdown”. Wendy Suzuki Ph.D. June 1st, 2013. Psychology Today. Access here
“Try Mixing Exercise and Meditation”. Paula Felps. December 15th, 2016. LiveHappy. Access here
“Comparative effects of meditation and exercise on physical and psychosocial health outcomes: a review of randomized controlled trials”. . 2018 Mar;130(2):222-228.