When it comes to coping with grief there is not a one size fits all order. Many individuals cope differently due to the variety of different losses as well as differences within a person’s spiritual, mental, physical, social and emotional makeup. Still, eventually one can find something that works best for them. Different coping strategies exist and eventually something should work best.

The article, “Dealing With Grief: 7 Coping Strategies, According to Experts” by Madeleine Burry lists 7 different ways one cope with a loss or at least help one through the grieving process. She states,
“You may not think about them this way, but you already use coping strategies in your day-to-day life—such as that extra-hard workout to relieve stress after a tough work deadline, or the phone call you make to a friend when your child is acting up and driving you crazy.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Whatever coping methods work best for you, it is important to realize that grief is not a process that ends but is an ongoing process of living itself. Learning to live with grief is part of life and coping does not make it go away but only makes it easier to insert into one’s life.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in grief counseling.