Not knowing if you have ADHD or not as an adult can be a big deal. Many do not understand their behaviors and a diagnoses can lead to many corrections and coping aides for those behaviors. Hence if you feel you may have ADHD or suspect it, then it is usually wise to meet with a counselor and see. Those specialized in ADHD Consulting can also help one learn to better cope with the issues that accompany ADHD.

The article, “How Do I Know if I Have Adult A.D.H.D.?” by Christina Caron and the New York Times discusses somethings to consider regarding ADHD and if you may have it. She states,
“When adults ignore tasks that require these skills, it can create chaos. Bills pile up; lateness at work can lead to being fired; health appointments are delayed or neglected; accidents happen. In educational and workplace settings, adults with untreated A.D.H.D. often feel unmotivated and tend to have poor planning and problem-solving skills when an obstacle emerges, said Russell A. Barkley, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and the author of “Taking Charge of Adult A.D.H.D.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.