Healthcare Certifications Article on High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a silent killer.  It causes heart disease, heart attack and stroke.  It is the world’s leading killer and many do not even feel its presence until it is too late.  Heart health through better diet, exercise and blood screening for cholesterol are important steps in fighting back against high blood pressure.  One needs to become involved in one’s health and take an active part in preserving one’s health.

To stop high blood pressure, people must become more heart conscious. Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Certifications


The article, “Taming the world’s leading killer: high blood pressure” by Dr Tom Freiden looks closer at high blood pressure and the problems it poses and how one can fight back.  He states,

“High blood pressure is the world’s leading killer — and will kill more people, including more young people, than Covid-19 (and, in usual years, more than all other infectious diseases combined). High blood pressure can be prevented, mostly by reducing dietary sodium, and is effectively treated with safe, low-cost medications.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Certifications for Healthcare Professionals.  AIHCP offers a wide variety of programs ranging from nursing certifications to be various behavioral health programs for qualified professionals.  The programs are online and independent study and lead to a four year certification.  Please review the programs ands see if they match your academic and professional goals.