Sometimes individuals may not be aware they are suffering from depression. The fog and fatigue do not compute internally that they are depressed. This is because most associate depression with cause and effect. If nothing bad has happened, how can I be depressed? The reality is depression is sometimes chemical and one can become stricken with it without a cause. Individuals can help others better face hidden depression by being aware of the behaviors displayed.
The article, “How to Recognize and Help Someone with Hidden Depression” from Healthline looks closer at symptoms of hidden depression. The article states,
“Depression isn’t always obvious. In fact, some people go to great lengths to hide the symptoms of depression from the people around them — concealing the problem so well that they themselves may scarcely recognize it. This is why hidden depression is sometimes called smiling” depression. Someone with hidden depression may seem content, happy, and productive. Their work life and relationships, from all outward appearances, seem fine.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Individuals for multiple reasons also look to hide their depression. Introverts especially do not like to share emotions and will try to hide symptoms.
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