Exercise for many was cut short when the pandemic hit. Gyms were closed and individuals in the winter fell out of routine. Individuals who are now starting to return to some resemblance of normal life are looking to get back into shape, but rushing to fast can be a dangerous thing. It is important to gradually re awaken the body to avoid injury and to safely start to reacclimate the body to exercise.

The article, “How to Ease Back into Exercise Safely After a Long Break” from Healthline takes a closer look at easing back into exercise. The article states,
“If you took a long break from exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. The stress and uncertainty of the past year, along with the closure of many gyms and need for physical distancing, have thrown off many people’s workout routines. Getting sick from COVID-19, a debilitating disease with weeks or sometimes months of symptoms, has also greatly limited the ability to engage in physical activity for many people. As vaccines continue to roll out throughout the United States and restrictions begin to ease, it’s natural that many people are eager to get active again.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Those who had covid, as the article states, may even have more difficulty getting back into regular form. With damage to the lungs or the immune system, it takes awhile to return to optimal health. Things cannot be rushed and the proper time and setting needs to be applied.
If you would like to learn more about exercise and staying in shape, please review AIHCP’s Life Coaching Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Healthcare Life Coaching