EFT is an important way to reduce stress, cope with issues, and heal past trauma. After learning how to apply this therapy it is important to implement it into your daily routine and utilize it. The benefits of proper utilization will help one throughout the day and week when properly applied consistently.

In learning how to consistently utilize EFT in one’s daily routine, the article, “How To Work EFT Into Your Well-Being Routine — Morning, Noon & Night” by Marianna Giokas looks at ways this can be accomplished. She states,
Tapping is an excellent way to start off your morning on a good note and set positive intentions for the day. I often use it prior to my meditation practice because it also helps me clear and calm my mind in preparation for meditation. Here are some examples of setup statements you can use as you tap in the morning”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Practitioner program. The program is online and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in EFT.