Spiritual direction is key to Christian formation. Individuals no matter the age require guidance in morality, coping, spirituality, and challenges. A spiritual director is usually clergy, but some can also be lay people who become a spiritual father or mother to you. Their guidance is important in every phase of life as the Christian grows in the faith. If you do not have a spiritual director, it is wise to find one. It is not something that one randomly chooses, but something the Holy Spirit guides one to. The mentor and the learner find each other.

Usually a spiritual director has knowledge of your life and past. He or she is able to guide one through troubles because of this knowledge because of this unique knowledge. This is why randomly choosing someone and expecting them to know you will not produce the best results. It is something that is not forced but naturally found due to mutual spiritual attraction of need. If one becomes a member of a church, or one meets a new pastor, it is not prudent to choose this new person you work with as your spiritual advisor. There should be a natural divide. This is why priests or pastors do not at times have spiritual directors who are common to their work unless the bond is far older before they met professionally or in ministry. Of course, a spiritual bond may develop but if no spiritual bond is present, this person should not be one’s spiritual director.
So in essence, a spiritual director has a bond with you but also is equipped with the wisdom to help you develop in the faith and face problems. They should not be random persons you meet merely due to their position as a priest or pastor. With Christianity, this mentor can be a elder, or a trusted friend within the faith, or also a long known pastor, or in Catholicism, a priest who also hears one’s confession but also knows you and has a spiritual bond.
Merely talking to someone about your issues does not make one your spiritual director, but it is a reciprocal spiritual bond to help spiritual parent and spiritual child grow.
The article, “Spiritual direction: What is it, who needs it, and why?” by Mary Farrow looks at why Christians need a spiritual director and the importance of spiritual direction. She states,
“Spiritual direction instead focuses on a relationship with God, Cleveland said, which is “not a problem to be solved, but something to be discovered and deepened and celebrated. A lot of times people are looking for something else…so sometimes we have to really reorient someone’s thinking – are you looking to deepen your relationship with God through prayer and discernment?”
To read the entire article, please click here
Hence spiritual direction is more than confessing sins or seeking God’s forgiveness but is a process of spiritual growth. It involves discernment and other ways to help a person progress spiritually through the world.
If you would like to learn more about Spiritual Mentorship and Spiritual Direction, please review AIHCP’s Christian Counseling Certification. The program is online and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification is Christian Counseling.