Meditation is a call to mindfulness of the present. Many times, individuals are so focused on the past they cannot live in the present, or they are so paranoid about the future, they cannot enjoy the present. Meditation can help one focus on the present. Focus on the present is key because the present determines outcomes. We need to acknowledge the present before it too becomes the past and understand the present as a key to the future.

The article, “Struggling to be more present? Look to meditation” by Marci Sharif looks at how meditation can help individuals be more present in their thinking. She states,
“Have you ever noticed how strangely difficult it is to just be right here, right now? Not recalling the past. Not considering what’s next. Not analyzing, judging, storytelling or narrating, but simply being here, purely in the moment, in a soft and open way. It’s a completely different mode from what we’re used to — a far cry from living in our heads and reflexively reacting to the whims of our conditioned and compulsive thoughts.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification as a Meditation Instructor.