Interesting look at the lack of collective grief in some areas of the nation over the immense loss from COVID. While some areas collectively understand the grief the nation is facing, other areas do not. Collective grief is important as a nation when disaster strikes, to identify loss and come together.

The article, “More Than 250,000 Are Dead. Why Is There So Little Collective Grief?” by Corrine and Erik Ofgang look at the number of dead due to COVID and ask why society is not grieving enough over this in the USA. They state,
“A large portion of the population believes the falsehoods that the virus is a hoax or the numbers of dead are inflated, and grief itself has become politicized with some worrying that too much focus on rising death counts will discourage economic recovery. But these factors alone can’t explain the lack of collective response.”
With lack of many visuals of the death, society may not also be recognizing the dangers. To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review The American Academy of Grief Counseling’s Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.