Saying farewell to a pet is a difficult thing. It is a painful moment when you finally say goodbye to a loved one. In saying farewell, it should be done like anyone else we love. Rituals and traditions can help ease the pain.

The article, “How to farewell your pet if you can’t be there when they die” by Rachel Edwards discusses how one can ease the pain of losing a pet through ritual and tradition. She states,
“Linda Michie is a registered counsellor for people experiencing the gamut of life — including the death of pets. She says many people feel guilty if they are not able to be with their pets at the end, thinking they should be there right to the last moment. “I remind them that they gave their pets such a great life and that without great love there is no great loss,” she says. Linda works with people to find a solution to not being able to be present for a pet’s death. These are her suggestions.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.