It is not only hard to know what to say or not say to someone grieving a loss but it can also be difficult to know what type of gift or card to give them. Showing you care is one of the most important ways you can show sympathy and sometimes a gift speaks volumes to someone grieving.

The article, “30 gifts for someone dealing with grief” by Dana Holmes looks at different gifts you can give someone who is grieving. She states,
“Current circumstances make losing a loved one even more complicated and isolating than usual. Those dealing with loss right now have the added burdens of not being able to say a proper goodbye at the hospital or to honor the deceased at an in-person memorial. We also can’t support those most directly affected by the loss in ways we might want to — with a hug or a visit. So what should we do or give to help them cope?”
Helping others through grief is the duty of any friend or family member and the gifts listed can help others. To read the entire article and list, please click here
Please also review the American Academy of Grief Counseling’s Grief Counseling Certification to see if it matches your academic and professional goals.