Triggers can set anyone off. Emotional, financial, social and personal triggers stem from stress and if in the right time and moment can result in a person losing control. Stress builds up and it is important to control stress by identifying triggers. This is important for both Stress Management and Anger Management. They go hand and hand together.

The article, “Managing Triggers Under Stress” by Jen Lofgren looks at how executives and other business leaders can handle stress. She states,
“We all face varying degrees of stress from different sources in our daily lives. As much as we try, we are not always able to prevent the stress in our personal life from affecting our professional life, and vice versa. As you move up in your career into senior management and executive leadership, you may feel added pressures in your role, and the way you deal with stress can have a wider impact on the people around you.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.