Saying goodbye to a dog or for that matter any pet can be one of the most painful moments. Pets, especially dogs, cats and horses are more than mere objects we own, or things to watch but are actual family. They interact, share and enjoy life with us. Hence it is especially painful to lose one of our pets. Many would disenfranchise this loss as not important but this is farther from the truth.

A dog, cat or horse is family. They are far beyond a mere animal but someone we care about. There should never be any embarrassment or shame in grieving the loss of a pet that is our family. Those who do not understand the pain of losing a dog, cat or horse, are the ones who truly need to better understand life.
When the time comes to say goodbye, it will be painful, but one must be prepared for everyone eventually dies. This is part of the human condition.
The article, “Why Saying Goodbye to a Dog Is So Unbelievably Hard” by Jillian Blume looks at the particular loss of a dog and the intense pain that comes with losing a dog. She states,
“Humans can form intense emotional bonds with their dogs. In many ways, these bonds may be stronger and more enduring than our connection to most other human beings. And that’s why the idea of losing a beloved dog is something that pet parents try not to think about.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Losing a dog is truly like losing family. The bond and love is as strong as family and always should be respected. If you would like to learn more about grief and pet loss then please review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.