Anger if left unattended or properly directed can lead to bigger problems. This is especially true in the case of young boys. Boys need to be able to understand their emotions but also how to display them in a healthy and productive fashion. Anger is one such emotion that needs to be directed properly to prevent future rage issues. Boys need good role models but also as boys, need outlets that play to their gender and emotional needs.

The article, “How To Help Boys Deal With Anger” by Catherine Pearson looks deeper and helping boys learn to control and cope with anger. She states,
“Obviously, there is so much nuance when it comes to individuals, emotions — and how they express those emotions. It is not fair, nor accurate, to say that all boys experience anger one way, while all girls experience it another. And research shows it is a myth that boys and men experience anger more than girls and women.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review our Anger Management Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.