The loss of a pet is a big deal. Dogs, cats and horses are like family. As the issue becomes larger, professionals are asking if a person should receive bereavement day for the loss of dog or cat or horse. While many do not receive days for aunts or uncles, but only parents or children, employers should consider giving someone a day to grieve the death of a pet. This is best for the business and the mindset of the griever.

The article, “Should employees be allowed bereavement leave when a pet dies?” by Kate Palmer states,
“Currently, there is no legal requirement for employers to allow their employees any time off work when their pet dies and, currently, no right to any form of bereavement leave at all. Permitting time off for employees in times of bereavement is down to the discretion of their employer and it is perfectly acceptable for them to refuse such a request.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review our Pet Loss Grief Counseling Program