Substance Abuse Counseling Certification Article on Student Addiction

Helping recognize problem signs of addiction is important in young people, especially students.  If a teacher is able to see drop off in academic performance, he or she can then find the issue and possibly begin an intervention with proper authorities at school or parents.  It is critical to catch addiction early before it devours a young life.  Teachers can play a pivotal role in saving young minds from the monster of addiction.

Spotting student addiction early is important. Please also review our Substance Abuse Counseling Certification
Spotting student addiction early is important. Please also review our Substance Abuse Counseling Certification

The article, “Recognizing student substance abuse” lists a variety of signs of student addiction.  The article states,

“Students may choose to experiment with alcohol and other drugs for a variety of reasons while in college, and sometimes there are adverse outcomes. At times, you may notice a student exhibiting behavior that is concerning. Below are some examples of concerning behavior around student substance use and tips on how you can help.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please also review our Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.